Abe recommended Obama the maglev last year appealing it will make an hour possible between Washington and New York.
Obama is said being interested 'strongly' in it and he is also to visit Japan in end of this month but has little time to experience it.
Abe hopefully asks Caroline to tell her experience to her boss.
Caroline visits Sendai City and Fukushima Dai-Ichi.
Caroline visited a local high school in Sendai with his son, John, for promoting the exchange student between two countries yesterday.
In Fukushima, she observed the damaged power plant today but YouTube video is not coming up yet.
Local NHK news video is
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXAGibDN_-Q
Thank you, David, for checking always!
Visiting my country will be a good experience for you.
I don't know exactly how Caroline feels about Japan but seems changing to more friendly since the dolphin controversy five months ago.
There are, in fact, too many differences between two countries to argue soon.
Caroline and his son, John, visited Naraha Town of Fukushima Prefecture to observe its offshore wind power plant for 600 houses today.
A local housewife comments "She is beautiful, more beautiful than watching on TV!"
Their 3 days trip in Tohoku ends here.
On April 16, Caroline Kennedy, U.S. Ambassador to Japan, visited Ise Shrine inner sanctuary of Ise City, Mie Prefecture. She planted seedlings of dogwood as a symbol of Japan-US friendship.