New website

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Dark Matter

Jun 23, 2009
What should I put in it?
Does anyone have any rare pictures or facts, I dont want the to be one of those dumb@ss sites that all they talk about is the P-51 or P-47.
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I would probably stick to something that really interets me although present it in a different way than other places. I dunno. Maybe weird and strange stuff about WWII or little known flying units. There is so much but not everything is covered.

Then again, not to burst a bubble, but I kinda like and can find almost anything right here. :)
You'll be a new entrant
in a market full of very, very well-established competitors. If you don't know what you want in it, it will be somewhat difficult to differentiate yourself from the others ie a reason(s) for enthusiasts to come and use your site and not theirs.

Stick around, look at what's offered here and just as importantly, how it's offered. Compare and contrast with other aviation forums. Try and figure out what's missing and if it's marketable, base your website on that... if it's marketable - there could well be a reason why it's missing and even if there isn't, it might not in itself be big enough to build a site on.

Don't go too niche, niche sites cater for one very specific branch of any interest - you'll soon run out of things to discuss.

It's got to be both informative and fun, a common theme of interest and yet diverse, there needs to be a sense of community and accessibility.

Importantly, ask the mods on here how hard/time-consuming/frustrating it can be to run a forum.

Stay here dude, it's already set up and running for you.
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Well as for the forum. It does not look bad, but what direction are you going. I would break it down into different sections. Right now you have sort of different things just clumped together.
:confused: Only 2 people have joined, please be a member of my forum, please!
I wish you well.
Like Colin said it will be difficult to differentiate yourself from other websites.

I know of someone who has two very successful forums and tried creating a third recently.
It is still floundering at the moment with only 44 members and 29 posts.
Having said that, you never know what will work until you try it so don't let me discourage you in any way.

Nice looking forum, credit you to that. But its no different then what is offered here at ww2air.. Best of luck! :)
Should I change the style of my forum other then red?

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