Newbie@IL-2...a few questions...

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A new IL2 person!!

I love you!

Have you tried tha ubisoft IL2 forums?

Thats my favorite place.

Edit: I didnt see that date of this thread, sorry.

A new IL2 person!!
I love you!
Have you tried tha ubisoft IL2 forums?
Thats my favorite place.
Edit: I didnt see that date of this thread, sorry.

Hi DM.

I haven't tried the Ubisoft forums, as I've already very busy both here and at a danish women's forum, called Ekvinde (Ewoman). And as you know, there still is only 24 hours a day.
But it sounds interesting, and it's noted if I might need some help with the game, and you guys in here are busy.

Btw, I've rediscovered that it is very silly to fly straight ahead for a longer period than a few seconds in the game...*broad grin*
Yup, gravity STILL works.

I know.
I'm talking about Biker Babe.

Aw, that's cute!
Will do, quick question though, what do you use to capture screenshots. I got a quick mission in this morning before heading into work. Flying 109G-6's with 30mm cannon, me and a wingman intercepted a flight TB-3s trying to make a run for it. although it was a quick mission builder, we succeeded in destroying all 3, but my wingman took a hit in the oil cooler. I sent him home and Followed to make sure he landed ok. We landed and got our crates secured, though im sure the ground crew isnt happy my wingmans 109 is pooring oil all over the ground.
GG's answer to me about screenshots from page 2 in this thread:

As for the screenshots, they automatically go to the root folder of your game, for example: [drive]:\Program Files\Ubi Soft\IL-2 Sturmovik\.
So look in your game's root folder for files named grab0000.tga, grab0001.tga, etc.
The screenshot key is Print Screen.

LOL, thanks BikerBabe, I must have skipped over it. Well, I will try and get some good ones posted. I Just heavly modified it so now I can fly the Bf109 K-14 and Me 410.
Hmmm...I tried making some screenshots during my last game a few minutes ago, and now I can't find the .tga-files anywhere...any idea about where they might have hidden themselves?
They're not in the game's root folder.

Found 'em...*snort* Wrong game folder. Forgot the new install folder, and instead looked in the old one...*goes all red-eared*

Anyway, here's today's harvest, with the 'bird to end the pic series:

EDIT yet again:
Old screenshots - the new ones has mysteriously vanished...
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They are in the folder BB, they are not jpgs or gifs tho, but .tga files, and are saved as "grab0007.tga" etc....

U will not find them by just looking in the root directory for some reason, mine arent there either... I took a screenshot of what the IL2 root looks like when opening it with Irfanview, the best free image software there is for the basics....

If u dont have this or another program that can see the tga files, find Irfanview and ur good to go........


  • tga.jpg
    82.6 KB · Views: 90
Hmm, I'm using Photoshop to turn the .tga-files into .jpeg-files, that works just fine.
Thanks anyway and under any circumstances, it's good to know what to look for.

Okay , now I don't get anything!
Those files that I uploaded are old files, and I know that I made lots of screenshots during the last few hours - hmmm, how come the program doesn't save the .tga-files anywhere?
I've looked through the Ubisoft folders, and the files are nowhere to be found! *scratches head*
Argh - computers!
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Hey BB, here's an idea, use your computer's "find" feature and wildcard search for .TGA files.

Once you have your Search window open, enter *.TGA and in XP, I'd select "All Files and Folders" and click Search. If those .TGA files are to be found, this'll find them!
Have you renamed the "grab000.tga" file? I remember renaming the grab000.tga file and when I took several screenshots of a strafing run, they didn't come out.

BTW, nice idea GG!
Thanks for the input guys, here's the results:

GG: I did that in Total Commander in all folders on every drive on my computer - no luck.
I have to use Total Commander, as I don't know where the "Find" function is on my drives in Win2000.
(Yes, it's an old computer. )

Pong: I haven't renamed anything. I don't know what's going on with those grabs.

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