Staff Sergeant
For some reason the site will not allow me to post a new thread in the News section of the site
But any way. In Bathurst New South Wales on the morning of the 25th April 2007. The ANZAC Memorial was vandalized by a group of teenage girls, ranging in age from 14 to 16. The Memorial was descrated with paint with words saying ANZACS ARE MURDERERS. The girls were caught and Memorial was cleaned hastily by members of the public prior to the Dawn Service commencement. 2 Teenage girls receive conselling but the 16 yr old was charged with vandalism. My thoughts would be all 3 girls should have been flogged then made to clean up the mess and apologise to the community and especially the ANZACs themselves of the community of Bathurst. What are your thoughts about vandalism to a War Memorial
But any way. In Bathurst New South Wales on the morning of the 25th April 2007. The ANZAC Memorial was vandalized by a group of teenage girls, ranging in age from 14 to 16. The Memorial was descrated with paint with words saying ANZACS ARE MURDERERS. The girls were caught and Memorial was cleaned hastily by members of the public prior to the Dawn Service commencement. 2 Teenage girls receive conselling but the 16 yr old was charged with vandalism. My thoughts would be all 3 girls should have been flogged then made to clean up the mess and apologise to the community and especially the ANZACs themselves of the community of Bathurst. What are your thoughts about vandalism to a War Memorial