NFL 2010 Thread

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Do not underestimate Moss. He is very much still a threat. He has a few more years left in him and he will burn you. He was just unhappy in New England. When Moss is unhappy he does not produce well, just like Owens. He does not give 100% when he is not happy.

When in the right situation, he is still easy for 1400 yards and 15 Touchdowns.
Right but Revis is coming back this week. It counteracts. One good receiver for one really good cornerback.

I do not agree. I think you really underestimate Moss and overestimate Revis. Don't take me wrong, Revis is one of the best at his position, but it remains to be seen if he is going to live up to his new contract...

Chris, what are your thoughts on tonight's game - Eagles vs Niners? I realy have no clue. The Iggles are confused.

I think this is the game that we can turn things around with. We are only two games behind in the division, the division is weak and I think we have a good shot at winning. Depends on whether Smith panics as usual or not.
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And this weeks picks (almost forgot to post them):

Last week: 8-6
Overall: 27-19

This week:

Jacksonville Jaguars 23-10 Buffalo Bills
Baltimore Ravens 23-17 Denver Broncos
Indianapolis Colts 27-17 Kansas City Chiefs
Green Bay Packers 24-10 Washington Redskins
Detroit Lions 14-10 St. Louis Rams
Chicago Bears 23-20 Carolina Panthers
Cincinnati Bengals 27-7 Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Atlanta Falcons 19-10 Cleveland Browns
New York Giants 23-21 Houston Texans
New Orleans Saints 41-20 Arizona Cardinals
Tennessee Titans 14-13 Dallas Cowboys
San Diego Chargers 24-6 Oakland Raiders
San Francisco 49ers 27-16 Philadelphia Eagles
Minnesota Vikings 28-21 New York Jets (OT with a TD to Moss! This one is for you Harrison...)
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why do they insist on calling the Cowboys "America's Team" Seriously?? Dallas??

makes my skin crawl each time I hear it.

What as that? I was in the bathroom throwing up after I heard "America's Team" again.

Even though the Eagles have a 17 - 10 lead, its still a toss up. Penalties are gonna kill whiever loses.
Even though the Eagles have a 17 - 10 lead, its still a toss up. Penalties are gonna kill whiever loses.

Nope Alex Smith is in the game. The Eagles will win.

I love the chants in the stadium "We Want Carr!", "We Want Carr!". Put him in, he can't do any worse. Smith's time is over. He is the worst starting QB ever to play in SF, get him the hell out of there. I would rather go 0-16 than give him another down.
Something that irks me about football players is the way they deal with the opposition players, they smile at each other, help them up after the play . Your down pal, stay there if you're smart would be my mindset there wouldn't be no smiles
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