NFL 2011 Thread

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All this media speculation about Bart Scott being cut......his money is fully guaranteed and actually would cost 1.25 million dollars to cut him. They need to do there HW.
Jets just held press conference. Some apparent things

-Plax won't be back
- They are trying to sell Schottenheimer so someone else adds him as the HC. They don't want to pay the rest of his deal.
After last season I thought we'd be 10-6 maybe this year. Just shows how our OC's crappy play calls exposed the O and D. The D was out there way to long and by the end of every game were totally gassed. Rex needs to stop lying at the press conferences though, at first it was whatever but now it ridiculous. They are SO not bringing schottenheimer back and if they do I refuse to go to another game or support this team in any way. I'm sick and tired of this guys 50 second drives and not letting sanchez throw the deep ball once in a while

Santonio Holmes had the right to be frustrated but not in the manner he expressed it. We need youth at the WR, OLB, Safety, and RT position. Rex said our RT was getting better as the year went on. Its comments like that that make me second guess Rex as a head coach. Holmes will be back, we owe him guaranteed money so we can't cut him or else were taking a huge cap hit. Despite how bad Sanchez has looked he's tied the Jets all time record for TD's in a season at 32. I think with a different play caller ( *Note not a different SYSTEM, meaning someone within should be promoted because then we'd have an alex smith situation going on, a decent QB getting his system changed every year ) he may be able to do a bit better. Plax, minus being a redzone threat, creates no separation and is completely useless from our goal line until the other teams 20. We need to draft a Mohammed Sanu type player (big guy who get separation),

I hope this is just a minor bump in the road, because the Steelers were 8-8 a few seasons ago as well.

A couple positives:

*Shonn Greene 1000 yards rushing after an awful start
*Sanchez tying the Jets record
*David Harris had another solid year
*Revis, minus Stevie Johnson, had another solid year
*Our rookie 1st rounder looks like he'll be here for a while.

Jets schedule next year: Patriots, Patriots, Dolphins, Dolphins, Bills, Bills, Texans, Colts, Jaguars, Titans, Seahawks, Cardinals, Raiders, Rams, 49ers, Steelers
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Lions will be very Strong. Hope the Saints are hitting on all eight. Hard to live with there 17 ......they need some work dude.

Lions have shown that they can play toe to toe on passing and points scored by last week.Plus they are alittle healthier this go round but we have some adds on defense and Chris Ivory back in the backfield.All in all it should be a good close came I think the Saints by 6-10 is as big as the spread gets on this one.I think they will be hitting on all eight it is just whether our eight is better than there eight??
Looking forward to sitting back and watching the Playoff games this weekend.

I will be honest, I hope that Detroit wins. That means we will have to play either Atlanta or New York. Saint's fans, that that as a compliment...;)
Greg McElroy our 3rd string Rookie QB calling out Schottenheimer.

He said this about Schottenheimer " He's an absolutely tireless worker, he works incredibly hard, but I think next year I think he realizes also we just need to do more from an offensive perspective and kind of develop that mindset and develop what kind of offense we want to be,"

The kid also said that Schotty tried changing offensive philosophes in the middle of the season and you just can't do that to a team. I love that this kid is coming forward and before he went on IR in the pre season he showed he could run this team. He does have a bit of a noodle arm but if we build the gameplan around that I think he can succeed. I hope when our GM said "Sanchez will be the starting QB next year" he took into consideration McElroy did great against the starting Texans D (with backup WR) when the Jets didn't want to play their starters
Last Week: 12-4
Overall: 170-84

This week:

Cincinnati Bengals 23-20 Houston Texans
Pittsburgh Steelers 23-14 Denver Broncos
New Orleans Saints 33-30 Detroit Lions
New York Giants 27-21 Atlanta Falcons
Well Saints win(hooraary) tuff first half.Now on to the next which I think works out like the Panther's game Chris :).I was concerned about this game but gave it a 38-24 Saints so ended 45-28 and could of been worst.Some questionable calls for and against as any game.Cheers
Good game by the Saints last night. Of course they were playing a team with no defense. It will be a different story in San Francisco next week (not saying the Saints are not going to win though), when they are not playing in a dome with home field advantage, and against a team with a dominating defense. The 49ers have the kind of Defense that can stop Brees and the Saints.

Lets go Niners!
when they are not playing in a dome with home field advantage, and against a team with a dominating defense. The 49ers have the kind of Defense that can stop Brees and the Saints.

Lets go Niners!

I don't think so Chris the Saints running back trio is putting up more yards collectively than the 9'ers.I just do not think that Smith and Co. can go toe to toe with Bree's and Co.The Saints have 15/22 orginal players from 09 on the roster I heard so experience comes into play and the coaching staff.Over on the ESPN South Blog guys are predicting 9'ers 30/17 Saints shoot 9'ers avg 23 per/game :) and that would be the Saints lowest outting this year if it materialized.I am going 34/21 Saints of course but it will be a good game.Boy those Falcons need to find there identity.
Well Denver put away the Pittsburgh. I don't care what anyone says about Tebow, he's for real. I don't think Denver will get past New England but then again this is a team that wasn't supposed to win more than 4 games this year!
Well Denver put away the Pittsburgh. I don't care what anyone says about Tebow, he's for real. I don't think Denver will get past New England but then again this is a team that wasn't supposed to win more than 4 games this year!

I hear ya Flyboy because of him I am actually watching with interest a second team!The guys on the radio were downright dogging the you know what out of Tebow for the 3 passes 9yds and he can't fight his way out of a wet paper bag.The tone was still condescending at the end of the game some but alot more mute.I do not expect them to win next week either but one never knows if he can find some receivers like he did tonight with some runs :dontknow:
I hear ya Flyboy because of him I am actually watching with interest a second team!The guys on the radio were downright dogging the you know what out of Tebow for the 3 passes 9yds and he can't fight his way out of a wet paper bag.The tone was still condescending at the end of the game some but alot more mute.I do not expect them to win next week either but one never knows if he can find some receivers like he did tonight with some runs :dontknow:

After the last time the Broncos were in the playoffs (and lost to Pittsburgh) the team fell apart. Jake Plummer was gone, eventually Mike Shanahan was fired, Darrent Williams was murdered, and a number of other players arrested. On top of that a coach was hired that was running the team into the ground (Josh McDaniels) and eventually he was fired. Much of this was actually predicted by Shannon Sharpe during a radio interview I heard back in 2005. Tebow is part of a rebuilding process that still hasn't matured and after the past several years this team has a lot to be proud. Scoff Tebow all you want, I predict someday he'll have a Superbowl ring, in the mean time he and the rest of the Brocos should be proud of this ride no one ever expected.
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I don't think so Chris the Saints running back trio is putting up more yards collectively than the 9'ers.I just do not think that Smith and Co. can go toe to toe with Bree's and Co.The Saints have 15/22 orginal players from 09 on the roster I heard so experience comes into play and the coaching staff.Over on the ESPN South Blog guys are predicting 9'ers 30/17 Saints shoot 9'ers avg 23 per/game :) and that would be the Saints lowest outting this year if it materialized.I am going 34/21 Saints of course but it will be a good game.Boy those Falcons need to find there identity.

And they are going up against the best Defense in the league.

I just hope the Aint's come to the game with no respect for the Niners like the fans are showing (not saying you or anyone else here is doing that, just the general feeling I get from most Saints fans.). You come into San Fran, and take the Niners lightly, allow the Niners to play their game, you will lose.

I think this will be a very tough game, and the Saints have the advantage, that is for sure. You may very well win, however don't think you are going to go into San Fran and put up 40 or even 30 points. Not against the 49er Defense.

My guess 23-20 San Francisco.

And on another note.

Pittsburgh go Tebowed!!!!!
Me too but I wonder why sanchez cant do it in the regular season.

Tebow is just ridiculous

I wouldn't be too worried about Sanchez. He did take a step back this year but many young QBs do. Remember he is only 25 years old and is 27-20 in the regular season, 4-2 in the post season. He's never gonna be Aaron Rogers, Tom Brady or Drew Brees, but he can win in the NFL.

I think his biggest problem is lack of good coaching.

And Tebow is fun to watch!

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