NFL 2011 Thread

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Another game where I really don't care who wins. I'll feel good for the winner and bad for the loser, but I hope it's a good game. I'm still thinking the Giants will take it.
Lose lose here.

Giants win - have to hear about everyone and how they are the greatest team ever (in their excitement)

Pats win - NFL will schedule us week 1 vs them at home so we have to watch trophy presentation.
Yes......and so the Jets don't have to watch the Trophy Ceremony when we play them next year

Maybe Peyton will come cause Eli surpassed him in SB wins and now Peyton wants to win immediately.

Peyton also said he's willing to take minimum salary with a ton of incentives so he has to earn the $$. ooo the thoughts.
That would not terribly disappoint me. I wouldn't mind the 49ers joining my Steelers as the only teams with 6 Lombardi trophies, but it sure would be sweet for the Steelers to have seven!!!!

As long as the Cowpukes don't get 6!

For you "young" guys.....the NFL wasn't founded in 1966 (the year/season of the first "Super Bowl"). Been around since 1920. If I'm not mistaken the Packers lead with 13 NFL championships, followed by the Bears with 9 and the Giants with 8.

The Steelers, Niners and Cowboys still have some catching up to do.


Yeah but we are in the Super Bowl era.

What do fans of other teams always tell us Niner's fans? Stop living in the past.
Yeah but we are in the Super Bowl era.

We are also in the modern jet age. Does that mean we ignore/discard the great piston engine warbirds of WW II?

What do fans of other teams always tell us Niner's fans? Stop living in the past.

All I'm saying is that true fans of the NFL should recognize and appreciate the history of the sport.

Remember that the trophy is named after Vince Lombardi, the greatest NFL coach of all time, and most of his career was BEFORE the NFL Championship Game was renamed the "Super Bowl".


1. I am a true fan.

2. Of course I do not forget about past achievements.

3. The NFL has changed so much since then, that is my point. The most widely accepted system is the Super Bowl.

Recall that a.) the Cowboys have won the most Conference titles since they came into the League, and b.) are one ahead of the Steelers, plus 3 ahead of 49'ers, Green Bay, and Giants in the last 50 years with the two Conference system.

Recall also that the Giants and Packers and Steelers and Bears have been playing in NFL for 30+ years more than the Cowboys.

Recall also that the Cowboys went to the playoffs 17 out of 18 years and during that stretch never had a losing season. No NFL coach will ever break that Landry/Cowboy record. Not likely that any team will beat it either.
another thing to add that comes from Texas to go along with queers and steers

All good stats there. No one can argue that the Cowboys aren't one of the great NFL franchises. But the greatest teams in any sport are defined by league championships, not playoff appearances, division championships or conference championships.

The Giants and Packers have been successful in both the pre Super Bowl era and during, the Bears not so much. The 49ers and Steelers have only had success in the Super Bowl era. Took the 49ers over 30 years to win their first championship; the Steelers over 40 years.

My only point here is not to knock any team that has had success, but championship history will always point to the "greatest" teams in any sport.

Packers, Yankees, Celtics, Canadiens.


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