Official Sig/Avatar Test Thread

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It's the same here, les. We also have vans...and pickups, are known as pickups...
It's actually not Brit 'cos British don't make many trucks. It's European...and CCs favourite appears to be Swedish (Volvo)
I think American trucks look better, personally. Ours are much more suited to European roads though, American ones have huge snouts for the engine and it's just too big.
I saw this little Korean 'truck' when I was in Gran Canaria, it was cool. Only one person could fit in it, and it was tiny with three wheels...I want that...for comical purposes...
Being 6'1, I don't think I could have even fit in it. But the entertainment value would be worth enough for me to buy it
plan_D said:
I saw this little Korean 'truck' when I was in Gran Canaria, it was cool. Only one person could fit in it, and it was tiny with three wheels...I want that...for comical purposes...

Theres something like that in Launceston (the nearest town to my home) I think its the butchers ;)

Actually Scania make my favourite trucks ;) (But yes theyre still swedish)
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