Official Sig / Avatar test Thread

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The problem is that you try to set it using a wrong way I'm afraid.

What do you think about these below? I might set one of them for you but tell me which one, please.

Either one, they each have more contrast than the one I managed to get in there.....
First I will see if I can get one ofem in there myself. I gotta see if I can accomplish it, yah know?

I copied this image from one of them you posted Wurger, and it's too large????


  • DVDSN sig1.gif
    81.2 KB · Views: 66,300
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No problem Bill. Glad I could help.
If you want, please send me a PM with a dipiction of the way you tried to use for setting the siggy. I'll try to find out what was done wrongly.
Thanks, but I cant use Irfanview because I have a linux os.
Me, too and Linux is very well suited for editing pictures.
You can either use gimp which can be installed on almost each distro, or, if you like to use the commandline, install imagemagic and use the mogrify command (mogrify -resize 640 *.jpg).

If you're using a debian-based Linux, like debian, Ubuntu or Mint, you can use the following commands to install these programs:
sudo apt-get install gimp

sudo apt-get install imagemagic

On redhat-like linux like Fedora or CentOS or RedHAt, you'll have to use yum, but I don't know the package.
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Thanks Marcel, I tried to use the pic Graugeist resized for me but couldnt get it to upload, I tried to follow the "How to" sig instructions but I must be missing something.
Stug, once you click the go advance button at the bottom right corner your new screen comes up. You must then scroll down this page until you see the Manage Attachments button, this gave me fits when I first became a member here because I couldn't find the MA button. I didn't know where it was located and just by chance stumbled upon it.Once you click this button you get a new smaller screen. Towards the upper right corner you will see the Add Files button, click this. You have a new window within the one you just opened, click the Select Files and this should take you to your computer documents and photos. You can now search your photo. Once found, click the photo, after you have downsized it, and then click the Open button at the bottom of the list. This loads the photo into the small Attachments window. Once there click the Upload files button and your photo should show up at the bottom of the Attachments page. You can now click the Post reply button and you should be done. Hope I haven't confused you to much.
Aaron, do you mean on the edit sig page? I couldnt find a Go Advanced button.

Nevermind, it showed up on my last post. Thanks guys.
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