Official Sig / Avatar test Thread

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It's up to you only. Just find a picture or a couple of them with your favourite kite and go. An imagination is powerful.
so I'm thinking about these for my avatar and signature. My question is that I see the requirements are 600x200, and yet I see a ton of sigs that can be resized? I've been searching the forums on how to do this, but to no avail. A really friendly bud on the gaijin forums, named Olife on the forums, for Birds of Steel took these pics on that game via his PS3. The pics are gorgeous and I'd like to give people the opportunity to appreciate them at high detail


  • Olife Wildcat signature.png
    25.4 KB · Views: 209
  • Olife Dauntless resize.png
    23.3 KB · Views: 208
  • Marion E Carl avatar.jpg
    31.6 KB · Views: 193
  • suv0.png
    113.6 KB · Views: 205

thanks for the reply. I was thinking more like Wurger, up above my post. His signatures have a "Click this bar to view the original image of 650x250px." on them to enlarge them. I was wondering how that works lol

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