Oldest Boeing Flying: Boeing 40C

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Glock Perfection
Apr 12, 2005
Washington State
Oldest Boeing Airliner
In Flying Condition

This is as it should be, passengers in closed cabin, pilot in open cockpit so he will stay awake. The airplane is in Spokane, WA , and is the oldest flying Boeing in the World.

After 8 years of repair and rebuilding and 8,000 hours of toil, the Boeing 40C rolled out last winter as a finished airplane. They had to wait a few weeks for the snow to melt to fly this baby. They received their Standard Airworthiness Certificate from the FAA and completed the engine pre-oil and fuel flow tests for the first of the taxi tests.

Facts for the Boeing 40C project:

221½ gallons of dope/reducer and 120 yards of 102 ceconite fabric. 12 gallons of polyurethane paint for the sheet metal. The wings have 33,000 individual parts in them. The airplane weighs 4080 lbs empty and has a gross weight of 6075 lbs. It is 34 ft long and 13 feet tall with a wing span of 44½ feet.

Wing loading is 10 lbs per sq ft and power loading is 10 lbs per HP. It should cruise at 115 mph using 28 GPH, and 32 GPH at 120 mph. It carries 120 gallons of fuel in three tanks.

350 2-inch brushes were used to apply 6 gallons of West Systems epoxy, and 181 rolls of paper towels for cleanup..

There were a total of 62 volunteers who worked on the project to some degree. 21 of the volunteers did a significant amount of work, and 9 of the volunteers worked continuously during the 8 year project.


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That is beautiful, Matt! I suppose the passenger accommodations are a little more sumptious than the original. Be nice to take a ride in. I wonder how much it costs to fly in it.

I don't know if the passenger section has been elaborated or not. The only accomodations are a leather seat and an interphone. Pretty sparse if you ask me! :lol:

What a super restoration!

But looking at that cabin door, it will be tough to fit my 6' 4" body and size 14 shoes into that baby! Anybody got an industrial sized shoe horn?????

Bill G.
I don't know if the passenger section has been elaborated or not. The only accomodations are a leather seat and an interphone. Pretty sparse if you ask me! :lol:

I suppose it's all that wood-panelling. Love the Boeing logo on the cabinet door. I wonder if that piece of wood is original.

That is a beautiful job !. Photo's are bl**dy good too, thanks for sharing.

Wouldn't mind betting she's pulling in the prizes at Oshkosh later this year !
Lucky, somehow I doubt it is C-Rations or an MRE! I just couldn't resist typing this.

But since there isn't a galley, a seat tray, or even a stewardess, I guess it is bring your own! Plus I doubt the flight is long enough for a multi-course dinner.

Bill G.

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