On The Deck

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Holy cr@p, that first Phantom pic is LOW!!!!!

And thanks for the second pic of that Harvard. Proves it wasn't photoshopped.

Great pics!!
I'm not quite sure the photo is real. The tree line in the background repeats itself from (facing the aircraft) left wingtip to back of right drop tank. The blend areas are under both drop tanks. I notice this last night after posting it on FB.
Interesting! Now that you blokes have pointed that out the exhaust doesn't look right either. I would expect it to be clear (or more transparent) the closer to the exhaust nozzle. Hmmmm.... Airframes, what are your thoughts? The plane contrast looks different than the inside of the hanger too. Did someone photo shop out something in the hanger and put the airplane in and thus, to maximize background realism, reused a section of the treeline?
I'm not sure on this one, and the pic is a bit small to examine closely. I see what is meant by the tree line, but this might just be coincidence. I remember reading about a Hunter being flown through a hangar, but I understood this to be a 'J' Type hangar, or a similar large hangar. I also vaguely recall seeing a photo of the real event, which might or might not have been similar to this one.
I don't think it's been 'Photoshopped', but it may be montage, or a re-touched version of the original, or possibly a 'dodged' reconstruction of the actual event.

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