On the Wings of Freedom Tour

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What a waste - all that fuel, crew and ground crew salaries etc etc, just to send 47 pax across the pond with all those empty seats !
But at least you had plenty of room Gary, and better cabin service I would think!
Looking forward to the first of the tour pics.

That is a small plane for a flight across the Atlantic...
Great stuff Gary. I can only think that your pleasure at meeting the vets was only equaled by their pleasure in meeting their old 'mounts' again.
If Gary doesn't mind, I wanted to post the pics I took at Cape May.

These are the B-24 "Witchcraft" which is the bird that Gary is assigned to - at least the day I was there.

and the P-51C. I didn't get many pics as the camera battery died after 3 pics so I used my phone. Didn't come out too bad.
Gary let me sit in the cockpit.....and then we went for ice cream later. Wait..... no that was a brew.


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