Opening Old Posts

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ok i will try to find which post i was looking at,i think it was in the start to finish build section,i'm just trying to help you restore your site

on another note don't put unnessersary comments like tick tock or the like to me son,you wouldn't do it in the real world to someones face so don't do it here
on another note don't put unnessersary comments like tick tock or the like to me son,you wouldn't do it in the real world to someones face so don't do it here

I meant no harm by it, you need to lighten up. If you took it to offense, then I apologize, as I said no harm was meant by it. How do you expect us to correct a problem, if we do not know what you are talking about?

Also, do not refer to me as son...

1. I am not your son, thankfully.

2. I am not a child.

Now back to your original reason for this post. Could it be you were trying to post in a closed thread? Otherwise it very well could have had something to do with the updates. Either way I am sure we can fix the problem.
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hi i tried to open the recent purchases thread but i keep getting an error message,any chance you could look at it please
I have a strange one opening threads:

I've tried to get to a thread I did 2 years ago but.....the only way to explain it is to do this.

Go to my Profile
Click on My Threads
anybody who can open page 12 of my list of threads gets a cookie!

Really strange, been trying to open it for a week now.
I recomend everyone to install a second browser next to their standard one, even if you want to use IE as a standard. Install Chrome or Firefox for these kind of things. Any one of these browsers can get problems and you can test with the other browsers if they have the same problem.
But rule no.1:
Regularly clean up your history, so throw away cookies, cache, passwords, the whole lot. About 80% of these kind of problems come from truncated history fiiles in any of these browsers.

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