P-38F-5A Shark

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Aug 21, 2006
Hi Guys,

Looking for more info and pictures of this P-38F-5A. Found the profile in Squadron Signals book P-38 in Action number 109.

Any help appreciated in advance.

Thanks Paul


  • P-38_F-5_Shark.jpg
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Unusual paint scheme on that one, Paul. I have seen shark mouth painting on the engines in the past. Did you do a google search of the 12th PRS? I am guessing they were part of a composite group.

Hi Eric,

Yeah I have done some basic searches with google on it but so far no luck. I also have went though just about every book I have on the P-38 with no luck. I am guessing a photo exists as to where the profile came from. Kinda of a mystery.

Thanks Paul
Paul, I've gone through my history and I cannot find it. It was a B&W photo of a P-38 with that mouth but I do not remember if Shark or Louise was on it. I came across it while looking at Life's photo archives, warhistoryonline.com, or research on the Chinease AF during WW2. I think it was on Life archieves.
Paul, I've gone through my history and I cannot find it. It was a B&W photo of a P-38 with that mouth but I do not remember if Shark or Louise was on it. I came across it while looking at Life's photo archives, warhistoryonline.com, or research on the Chinease AF during WW2. I think it was on Life archieves.

Thanks for looking David, I know there are P-38's named Louise and I have found other shark mouth P-38's but nothing on this one.

Wojek, thanks for the picture. That one is kind of evil looking if you ask me :)
This is ringing bells Paul. I'll have a look through my stuff and see if I can find anything.

Thanks Terry,

I guess I find this aircraft kinda interesting as there are at least 4 pin up girls on it besides the two names and sharks mouth. Would make for an excellent model if we can find more info on it for some one :)

Thanks again Paul
Thanks for taking the time to look Geo, yeah this one seem as bit strange. Ive found a few close ones but nothing exact on this one.
The 12th Photo Recon Squadron was with the 3rd Recon Group/12th AAF , give that group a try and see if they have a historian that can help ...........................

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