P-47 Thunderbolt Manual's

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Hi just a question, trying to understand the flight operation instruction chart..
The instructions are.. Choose amount of fuel, move to the right or left to choose the desired range.. ok.. for example on the first chart if im carrying 350 US Gal and want to travel 830nm I would end up in the column IV AND 6th line from top to buttom right at the 830NM mark. then the instruction says "Verticaly below and oposite desired cruising altitude read optimun cruising conditions"

so for the example above.. Y have aviable settings ranging from altittudes from SL to 30000, (in column IV) than means that I can travel the 830NM at any given altitude? and the only diferrence would be the fuel burn and speed.. or should I use a specific altitude to archieve the desired range?

another example the maximun range of the P47 would be 1270NM the column (v) so I wont be able to make this range unles I fly 12000 and below? giving that I dont have data for upper levels??


I believe you're correct. In other words, with 350 gallons of fuel in the plane (not including 45 gallons not accessible in flight: a lot of dead weight to fly around with!), you could fly a maximum of 830nm at any altitude. If you want to go further than 830nm, then you'd have to fly below 12,000 ft to save fuel.

You can relate this to the engine flight chart: the minimum fuel consumption at 5,000 ft is 60 gallons/hr. At 25,000 ft, it is 95 gallons/hr.

I hope this helps.
Great Job Ozhawk! I really appreciate you taking the time to put this P-47N manual together. I love high quality manuals!
anyone know the flap degree when fully extended?
thanks Steve
Real WWII pilots used this tecnique: "Looking to the far edge of either the left or right flap has degrees and lines to indicate how many
degrees the flaps are extended". I use A2A P47 and they seem they are 20 30 40. Dino
Thank you very, very much!! for sharing the catalog. I have been looking for it for a long time. Thank you.
Here is IPC of 1943 for B,C and D model. It is not the best quality but I think very workable. I got it from a friend who got it from friends etc etc. Anyway... enjoy!


After all these years, 8, you never know who might need this manual.
Exactly what I am looking for for my GB38 battered captured P-47.
All those access doors.
Cheers mate.
I was looking around the NASM website the other day and ran across the 'preliminary' P-47B PFOI from Apr'42. FWIW this is the earliest P-47 manual I have found mention of in any of the document lists.
Many Thanks

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