Ridge Runner
Hie, here are a few pics of some wreckage I found in Belgium. I have relatives who live out there, so when I visit I go off detecting. There is a know spot where a P47 crashed (Heyd Ardennes) it has been well dug over the last thirty years. So then, I was happily surprised to find some interesting bits and pieces, one piece was the OIL FILLER hatch mounted front left about 8ft in front of the pilot. It is olive drab, with the masked of demarcation for the anti glare panel, so suggesting an it was a natural aluminium ship, bubble top P47D?. I did also find a piece of curved perspex which makes me sure it was a bubble top. Also the a corner piece of perspex with the right angle to suggest its either from the left or right front canopy. Anyone out there with crash records that could possibly identify the ship. Did he bail, was it flak, fighters? What brought him down.
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