Your point and questions are valid. What appears to be true is that the P-47 loss per sortie is lower than P-51.Thats an interesting assertion. I know its canon that its the case regarding the P47. But has anyone ever actually analysed which aircraft delivered 'the best odds on getting back'?
How can it be quantified, given it was also undertaking some of the most hazardous missions? Was its loss rate per sortie measurably superior to types undertaking the same missions, like say for ground attack, Hawker Typhoons? Or for bomber escort, P38s or P51s?
What is not baked into the data are three important silos of data.
1.) Number of escort sorties in which no enemy contact was made.
2.) Average radius of each sortie into enemy airspace. The reason this is important is that the distance to return to friendly territory with a damaged ship is important.
3.) Average threat environment for each sortie. For example, this factor IMO is higher for CAS than for escort on a sortie by sortie basis.
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