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Holy mackerel Boats, this is going to one big machine, looking forward to this mother take shape. Would have been one of my favourite for the current GB but I built one a few months back.
wow one big project,i showed this to Chris and she said if i build anything near that size i'd better find a bigger house
Thanks Wayne for your wonderfull reply on my Dumbo, Okay fellas On the ypdate for today I have started and completed all of the installation of the stringers. Next the fun will begin filling in between all of the formers and stringers this will require some time but no sweat i am going nowhere but here. I should have the fuselage completed in a couple good days. another good feature the kit incorporated is cardstock interier details i can add more this behemouth is big enough to accominate all the detail I choose to build in. Here are the updates pictures for the day.



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Nice work Boats. Just a thought, but to get a good, smooth overall finish, once you've covered the frame in sheet, it could then be covered in tissue, shrunk and doped as normal, then painted. Should give a good smooth surface, just like the way the real Mosquito was finished.

Ahoy Terry
thanks for your reply your right sir, at first I gave that a thought, but what i am goping to do is after its all sheeted IO will cover it with metal tape the stuff that is used on duct work very simular to foil but its real metalo tape after i apply the tape i will take a punce wheel and run simulated rivits as that of the real machine this is going to be a fun build.
Oooh cr....p! That's one h*lluva big Cat!
Some would say that I have a soft spot for the good trusty old Cat, well......I do have 4 of them in 1/48, 2 -5's and 2 -5A's!
One is gonna become, some day, Lt Cdr. F. P. 'Flip' Anderson's bird from VP-33!
His son was knid enough to send me a DVD with him and the Catalina... 8)
Looking forward to this one!

Ahoy Lucky13
thanks for the reply, i have an old monogram 1/48 PBY-5A too one heck of a model its big to in that scale I have another one also not the 5a its the
PBY5 with the beaching gear I got the kit in 1997 when its was first released, This is the biggest Catalina i have ever built with a 50 inch wingspan i might need to build an anex to stowe this Behemouth. thanks sir for the reply.

Sounds like a great idea with the tape Boats. Looking forward to seeing the result.

Ahoy Terry
I agree it will look more realistic then coverinjg with silkspan and dope once i run the punce wheel across the metal tape panels it will look as real as it gets keep in tune I am still here thanks buddy.

The fun has just begun i have the front section port and starboard of fuslelage ploanked in between the stringers, proceding aft until done. Next step will be the finish product when i lay down the metal tape on the intire fuselage structure to give it the real aluminum finish i have a punce wheel a wheel that looks like spokes on a bycyle chain once I run across the tape panels it will fill the bill.



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Ahoy mate!
Looks great!
A Black Cat (Flip Anderson's VP-33) and a 'Dumbo' is a must here! What to do with the other two Cats is anyone's guess...!
Would love to do I dio, with a Cat being pulled out the water with crew and tractor...
Btw, mine are 3 x Revell and 1 x Monogram..

Ahoy Lucky13
sounds great the two Monogram Dumbos are monograms first release one is the PBY5 in early pre-war color scheme stationed in honolulu at the attack of Pear Harbor and the other is the Pro modler edition of the black cat VP-33 PBY5-A your build sounds swelol my as well dive in and get your boone dockers wet another PBY will be pure inspiration. thanks for your reply my man.

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