PBY Catalina

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Forum Mascot
Aug 21, 2006
In my castle....
Does anyone know where I can find the drawings to the boards that you stand on while repairing the engines on the Catalinas? And other repair structures that might have been used too of course.
I guess that you have to scratch build those, I can't find them as kits anywhere.....

Couple of more, these from the book Pby in detail


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Two things of interest in the photo, one the ladder to board the aircraft and the second the russian star on the side.


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Great pic of the RNZAF Cat, Micdrow! One of our Boeing PB2B-1's by the look of the nose turret, and ASR aerials under the wings. Any idea of XX-C's serial?
Thanks Wildcat!

I didn't know there was such a site! What's the full site address?

Also. if XX-C was a Pby-5, were they retro-fitted with the later nose turrets? The lack of radome behind the canopy was my one reason for doubting it being a PB2B-1.

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