Pick Your Own Air Force

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And here is my alternate list;

1.Low-altitude/fighter bomber- Tempest V with a Sabre IIc at +13lbs

2.Interceptor/ Air Superiority- FW-190D9

3.Strike/Medium Bomber- A-26C

4.Long-Range Bomber- B-29

5.Carrier Fighter- F4U-4

6.Night Fighter- Hs-219 Uhu

7.Interceptor- N1K2-J

8.Transport- Avro York

9. Trainer- Me-108
PAC (Patrick Air Corps)

1) T-6 Texan/trainer
2) C-47/transport
3) A-25/attack
4) P-47/fighter-bomber
5) P-38/ fighter
6) P-51/escort-interceptor
7) Mosquito/ night fighter
8) B-25/ Medium bomber
9)B-17/ heavy bomber
1. B-29 Boeing Stratofortress (Hvy bomber)
2. SNJ/AT-6 North American Texan (Trainer)
3. P-51 Mustang (Interceptor)
4. F4U Corsair (Naval based fighter)
5. Curtiss SB2C (Naval attack aircraft)
6. Lockheed PV-1 Ventura (Medium Attack bomber)
7. Northrup P-61 Black Widow (Night fighter)
8. Grumman J2F-6 Duck (Utility)
9. Douglas C-47/R4D (Transport)
I don't know the axis aircraft well enough to have chosen any. I grew up steeped in naval aviation traditions. My dad had his wings before 12/7/41. I'm sure my bias shows. The P-61 was designed from the outset to be a night fighter. The US also used F6F-5N and there was a marine squadron of PV-1 Venturas. Both of these aircraft were esigned over existing platforms and were full of compromises.
Trainer= AT-24..Converted B-25 Mitchells.
Transport= C-47.
High Altitude Fighter/interceptor= Ta-152H
Night fighter= Me-262 B1a/U1
Long Range bomber= B-29
Carrier Fighter/interceptor= F6F-5
Close support aircraft= FW-190 F-8
Strike Aircraft= A-26 Invader
Bomber: B29
Attack Bomber: B25J
Fighter-Bomber: P47N
Fighter: F4U-5
Patrol: PB4Y
Night Fighter: P61C
Trainer: AT6
Tactical Transport: C47
Long Range Transport: C54
quayhog said:
The P-61 was designed from the outset to be a night fighter. The US also used F6F-5N and there was a marine squadron of PV-1 Venturas. Both of these aircraft were esigned over existing platforms and were full of compromises.

I just would not have gone withit because it was too heavy in my opinion for a night fighter I would have gone with the He-219 Uhu. It was a great Nightfighter.

P38 Pilot said:
Why make the -190F-8 a tank buster? I would have gone with either a IL-2 Sturmovik or Me-110 with the additional 57mm it could carry under it.

Because the Fw-190F-8 was a great tank buster and was made for that reason. Ground Attack and Tank busting and was better than a Il-2 and the Me-110. The Fw-190F-8 could unload its ground ordinance and was still effective as a fighter. Which you rather have, drop your ordinance and then have to run away from enemy fighters or be able to fight them because you are in a fighter bomber that is worth something?
Trainer : AT-6
Transport : Piaggio P.108T

Interceptor : Ta-152
Escort : P-51D
Carrier Based : F6F

Heavy Bomber : B-29
Medium Bomber : B-26
Ground Attack : Hawker Typhoon

Recon : Arado Ar-234
1.) Escort- P51D
2.) Bomber- B-29
3.) Attack- A-26
4.) Night-fighter- P-61
5.) Anti-shipping- Beaufighter TF X
6.) Trainer- Harvard
7.) Transport- C-69 Constellation
8.) Reconnaissance- Spitfire PR
9.) Interceptor- Me262A-1a

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