Pick Your Own Air Force

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ok, i thought that since we've now got a lot more members they might like to give this a go, and some members would like to revise their old lists, so this seems as good a time as any to bring the thread back to life!

For those that're too lazy to look back a few pages, in this thread you get to pick your own airforce and name if it you like! there are but 3 rules

1) Your air force must consist of no more than 9 aircraft
2) You must have atleast one trainer and one transport
3) Any aircraft chosen must have seen service with an Air force during WWII

have fun, it'll be good to see a lot of your lists.........

and here's just an example, this is my list as of september 2005..........

trainer- tiger moth
transport- C-47

Heavy bomber- lancaster
Medium bomber- Wellington
strike/light bomber/night fighter-mossie
night/strike/anti-shipping fighter- beaufighter
maritime patrol/strike- sunderland
fighter/bomber- Fw-190A-8
long range escort- tempest (if not then the P-51)
For me,

1 - transport- Douglas DC3 dakota (its a beauty)
2- trainer- Tigermoth (classic trainer)
3- fighter- Spitfire (enough said)
4-fighter/bomber/night ops- Mosquito (beauty)
5- defensive fighter - Hurricane (now which luftwaffe pilot wants to mess with 8 cannons?!?!)
6- bomber- lancaster (one of the most sucessful bombers)
7 - fighter bomber- ME262 (tecnically, it was in operation in WWII)
8- anti shipping- Beafighter
9- special operations- A lancaster modified to use the "grand slam" bomb, or a 617 squadron Dambuster Lancaster!

if i wanted a tenth, on technicalities i would put in the ME262
Trainer - AT6/SNJ
Transport - C-54 (C-47 is great but the C-54 has too much of a performance edge)
High Altitude Fighter - Ta-152H
Medium/Low Altitude Fighter, Ground Attack, Naval Fighter - F4U-4 (great all around fighter)
Heavy Bomber - B-29
Escort/Long Range Strike Fighter - P-51D (would have picked the P-51H, but it didn't see action)
Night Fighter/Medium Bomber - Mosquito (would have picked the P-61C for night fighter, but it did not see any action)
Naval Recon/Anti-Submarine/Sea Rescue - PBM-3C w/radar
Bomber/Strike Interceptor - Me-262
Okay my list

Tiger Moth
Spitfire XIV
Tempest VI
De Havilland Hornet
Well my always chose British manufacturer broken record friend, then this should piss you off...

Strategic Bomber - B-29 (armament, speed)
Medium/Attack Bomber - A-26 (armament, speed, versatility)
Fighter/CAS - P-47 (ruggedness, handling, speed, range)
Night Fighter - P-61 (radar sophistication, range)
Maritime Patrol - Short Sunderland (armament, range)
Transport - C-46 (loadout)
Fighter - F4U (nuff said)
Trainer - Piper Cub (what's not to like)

And my choices are HEAVILY influenced by common engine cores for virtually all of my choices. Thus saving training, maintenance, spares and operational readiness.
nice list Matt308, but do you reckon you could get air superiority with the p47 and Corsair? forgot about the Sunderland though, theres just too many British types to fit into a 9 slot list
Heavy Bomber - B-29

Medium/Attack - A-26

Light - Ar 234

Fighter - Spitfire XVIII

CAS - Tempest

Transport - C-46

Maritime - Sunderland
don't worry, i feel your pain

and yes matt, your list infuriates me, other than the Sunderland........
Hey its a good plane. And it to somewhat sticks with my theory of sticking with P&W twin radials. While the Sunderland did not use R2800s like 5 of my other choices, some maintenance similarities did exist with the R1830.

And some folks don't think I could maintain air superiority with P-47s and Corsairs? Wow. P-47s for long range escort of my B-29s and Corsairs for local defense and top cover. Not the most maneuverable planes, perhaps, but could dang well hold their own.
Heavy Bomber: B-29
Medium/Attack Bomber: A-26
Light Bomber/PR/NF: Mosquito/Arado 234
Fighter: Ta-152/Fw-190D
Fighter Bomber: Tempest/Fw-190F
Interceptor: Spitfire/Me-262
Transport: C-46
Trainer: T-6 Texan
Maritime: Sunderland

Gnomey cheated. He picked 13. And I almost picked up the T-6 or the Po-2 for my trainer. But the Piper Grasshopper is just too neat and REALLY inexpensive.
Aircraft of the RIAF (Royal Independent Air Force):

1.) Trainer: AT-6 Harvard
2.) Transport: C-47 Skytrain
3.) Heavy Bomber: Lancaster B.I (Special)
4.) Heavy Bomber: Lancaster B.III (Dambuster)
5.) Dive Bomber: Ju87D-5 Stuka
6.) Night Fighter: Mosquito Mk.XXX
7.) Defensive Fighter: Spitfire Mk.IX
8.) Defensive Fighter: Spitfire Mk.XIV
9.) Offensive/Escort Fighter: Focke-Wulf 190

Well, counting airspeed and climb rate, you would find few planes that could challenge an F4U-4 below 25k feet, including a Spit XIV, and few planes that could challenge a P-47N above that altitude, while the spit would edge out the climb, it would suffer from a significant airspeed limitation. And, I don't believe that manueverability is a problem with either in its primary domain. So, if you chose the F4U-4 and the P-47N, you would have a great combination. I chose the F4U-4 and the Ta-152H, with similar capabilities.
fair enough Matt. I dont know enough about either fighter ( p47 or F4u) it appears.
nice list Matt308, but do you reckon you could get air superiority with the p47 and Corsair? forgot about the Sunderland though, theres just too many British types to fit into a 9 slot list

Wow thats a pretty biased list aint it. I am sure your air force would not survive against to many others out there.
You too limited because of the fact that the aircraft were British. While they are great aircraft, I am sure there were better out there than some.
Okay here is a attempt to make a good list. I dont know what my original list was a year ago or what not so this is a different list.

Trainer: AT-6 Texan (can it be argued that there was a better advanced trainer out there)

Transport: C-47 (simply the best transport of the war and the best aircraft of the war in my opinion.)

High Altitude Fighter: Ta-152H (Simply the best aircraft at high alltitude just a little too late and too little)

Medium/Low Altitude Fighter, Ground Attack, Naval Fighter: F4U-4 (great all around fighter, thanks Dave I will take this from yours)

Heavy Bomber: B-29 (undisputed best heavy bomber of WW2. Nothing can come close, not even a Lancaster)

Escort/Long Range Strike Fighter: P-51D (even though I do not like the P-51D and think that it was an overated aircraft, it did take the war to the Germans and no other aircraft could at the time)

Night Fighter/Medium Bomber: Ju-88 (gotta love that versatility, not the best aircraft of the war but damn good at everything she did)

Naval Recon/Anti-Submarine/Sea Rescue - PBY Catalina (I like her looks but would also not have a problem choosing the Do-24 and Do-26 which were actually a bit better than the Cat)

Bomber/Strike Interceptor - Me-262 (but I would also want some Fw-190As in there as well)

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