Picture of the day. (2 Viewers)

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Pacific Historian
Jun 4, 2005
Orange County, CA
I hope this becomes a regular thread. Post a single picture of anything to do with WW2, including the years prior and just after.

Here's the first one. USS Cowpens rolls heavily during Typhoon Cobra, December 17th, 1944.

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Escorts and merchant ships at Hvalfjord before the sailing of Convoy PQ 17. Behind the destroyer ICARUS (1.03) is the Russian tanker AZERBAIJAN. The sea voyage to the north Russian ports of Murmansk and Archangel was the shortest route for sending Allied supplies to Russia. But it was also the most dangerous owing to the large concentration of German forces in northern Norway. The convoy PQ 17 was decimated by U-boats and the Luftwaffe after a communication from the Admiralty on 4 July 1942 ordered the escort to 'scatter'.


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