Picture of the day.

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My turn to add a photo.

B-17G Flying Fortresses of the 96th Bomb Squadron are joined by a damaged P-38J Lightning fighter on the return from a mission to Ploesti, Romania, 10 Jun 1944. Note the feathered engine on the P-38 with oil stains covering the engine cowling.

238069 'Big Widget' Assigned 25 Jan 44. MIA Odertal 22 Aug 44 on its 67th mission. Attacked by fighters, plan exploded. Crashed near Sarvar. Charles Duncan crew, Bogie, Clark, Cazier, VanDenplas, Levine, Rodriques, Wentzel, Tomasik, Willett. Tomasik, Willett KIA, rest POW. Aircraft Assigned

Many more photos, World War II Pictures and WWII planes
I'm trying to work out what part of Melbourne the Beaufighter is over but can't get work it out, I worked in Melbourne for many years, are you sure that it's Melbourne.

Maybe this will help.
1945 aerial photo of Melbourne, The University of Melbourne Library - Map Collection

This photo-map covers the area around Melbourne, Albert Park, Docklands, Port Melbourne, Yarraville, and Williamstown.
Maybe this will help.
1945 aerial photo of Melbourne, The University of Melbourne Library - Map Collection

This photo-map covers the area around Melbourne, Albert Park, Docklands, Port Melbourne, Yarraville, and Williamstown.

Thanks Milosh,

the Beaufighter photo is not over Melbourne, there's no place like that in the Melbourne dock area with a bridge (there were very few bridges over the Yarra river back then), looks much more like Sydney. (nice to see the CAC and GAF factories with their grass runways at Port Melbourne on the aerial map, my grandpa worked at CAC for many years after he left the RAAF).



John does this look better, City of Sydney Map Collection

Look under Aerial Survey of the City of Sydney, 1949, Main Survey > Aerial#37

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