Picture of the day.

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"Wasp" cadets getting a briefing. Their hair looks good so it must have been before the first flight of the day.

Churchill had probably told him he was less than impressed at the first attempt at a catapult launched fighter to protect convoys.

Oh I don't know about that. It had to be successful because it was a Davidson who flew the first launch, and he went on to sail on one of the launch capable merchant ships.

Just sayin :)
November 1942: Grumman Wildcat fighter aircraft and Supermarine Seafires ranged for take-off on the flight deck of HMS "Formidable".

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Why? They hit the refinery and its burning. Mission accomplished (sort of).
From the looks of the altitude and the distance of the burning refinery to the aircraft where the photo was taken, they are several miles away. I doubt the bombers would be making a turn over the target, since loitering in the area is begging for accurate flak and/or enemy fighters.

There must have multiple targets in the area otherwise these guys area way off course.
They hit the refinery. Closed the bomb bays. Took a coordinated turn, with a rate set for a group turn. Then headed back to base on a heading determined by the mission plan.
Bomb-bay doors look closed so perhaps the on the homeward leg.

Typically, a bombing run's ingress/egress follows a straight path so they are not over the target area any longer than need be. It would be interesting to see the target ops for that day to see the diversity of targets.
Great find. A picture of the plane several moments later has been a part of B17 history for many decades.

I have never seen this view before.

Are you thinking of this view Sys?


If I remember correctly, I think that the bombardier and navigator was killed, with the rest of the crew becoming POW....

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