Picture of the day. (1 Viewer)

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Airmen of No. 3202 Servicing Commando clearing the wreckage of a North American B-25 from the airfield at Montecorvino, Italy, with the help of a Caterpillar bulldozer. An abandoned Focke Wulf Fw 190 can also be seen in the background, to the left.

Yep, sure is. 105 Sqn Mosquito B.IVs in late 1941-early 1942 not long after becoming the first bomber unit to convert to the type after relinquishing its Bristol Blenheims.
The crew of an M16 MGMC examine an abandoned 7.3 cm "Föhn" Multiple Rocket Launcher near Erpel, Germany. March 1945.

Note: "Föhn" is a warm dry wind which sweeps over the Alps. The weapon was used for anti-aircraft barrages and to contest river crossings (Erpel being on the East bank of the Rhine opposite Remagen).


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