Picture of the day.

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The last Hurricane built by the Hawker Aircraft Company, Mark IIC, PZ865 "The Last of the Many", decorated with banners and pennants on its completion at Langley, Berkshire. PZ865 was bought off the original Ministry of Aircraft Production contract by Hawkers and was retained as a communications and test aircraft. After the war it was placed on the civil register as G-AMAU and participated in a number of air races and displays before undergoing a complete overhaul in 1972, and presentation to the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight, with whom it continues to fly.

A tea dance in progress in the big ballroom tea lounge at the Municipal Pavilion in Bournemouth. In the foreground, people sit to drink tea, whilst in the background, the dancers are just visible. A waitress can be seen in the centre of the photograph. OCTOBER 1943


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