Pictures of Bavaria and other parts of Southern Germany.

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That is a pretty stupid thing to say.

How can you think that when it is history and part of the culture of Germany. They unlike many places in the world are trying to keep culture alive by wearing the traditional clothing and all. They do not do it on a day to day basis. They are normal people who work normal jobs like you and me and wear normal clothing like you and me. They are just part of clubs and do it as a way to teach people. They just dont go and set it up, they take part in midieval festivals.

Sorry but that is pretty ignorant to think something like that. Because of people with attitudes like the one you have just shown, is why many places in the world do not have there own culture anymore and probably why the culture in your own home the Czech is going to die out.
Deradler is correct. Theres a lot of interest in historical reenactment's and if these people just want to have fun for a day, then theres nothing wrong with it.
geezo yes there are festivals of all sorts through lower and upper Bayern. what about the Landshut festivites well known throughout Germany. many areas besides having their own "older" Cultures also include a wide array of dress for both men and women, all marking the uniquess of the village/cities.

We saw this in Garmisch, Ettal/Unter und Oberammergau anf rom there throughout NW Austria.

it's cool !

E ~
I don't have any pics of Berchtesgaden.But the Adler's shots are excelent.There must be nice (fresh air,beer... etc.).I like the part of the Germany.
I do, I am sifting through my pics as we speak. They are all non digital camaras though so I will have to scan them. That is why it is taking so long to post the pictures on here.
of course the Königsee, my daughter has some glorious memories floating along in the elktro boat with good friends and the climbing from what I hear is absolutely bitchin

and the local Brew tastes better than Bud piss any day of the year .....
Well, maybe I didn't say it correct. I have one very good friend that does this and he took me on one of the festivals and most of the people I met there were just crazy wannabe pricks... I didn't mean that general.
Maybe in the Czech they are like that (I can not say I have never been to one in the Czech) but the ones that I have been to in Germany, Italy, and France the people are no different than you and me.
OK. Actually my friends from California (I guided them trhough Prague yesterady) are going directly to Rothenburg, because that's the pace where their surname comes from.
To bad. They do realize that Germany is very small but not that small. They will be driving on the Autobahn and then Bundestrassen for about 4 to 5 hours to get to Rothenburg and then 4 to 5 back.
Okay here we go I have some more pics.

All of these pics were taken on the flight I did the other day.

The first set is just flying over the Frankische area of Bavaria which is where I live.


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This next set of pics are of of the palaces around and in Bamberg, Germany and as said were taken on the same flight.


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Lastly these are pics from Pottenstein. It is a beautiful area where you can camp, Kiyak (spelling might be wrong), canoe, summer bob spled, mountain bike, mountain climbing, rock climbing, spelunking, hiking, it is great fun. I drove there today and went kiyaking. These as well were taken on the same flight.


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