Pictures of Bavaria and other parts of Southern Germany.

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Well it has been awhile since I posted pics in this thread. So here are some more. I hope you enjoy them and ofcourse I will take a lot more and post them as well, especially with the beautiful winter months upon us.


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I probably should have downsized the pics some more but I think it takes away from the picture in this case.

Here is some more of the beautiful city of Nurnberg which is about 30 min from my house. They have done a beautiful job of rebuilding the old part of the city which was destroyed in WW2.


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Gorgeous, Adler. Not many places in the US can boast of such architectural significance.

Regarding your last pic, I think you have a view of the other side further up in your post...What is that bldg? An old armoury?
Fantastiche Chris ! those winter pics really brightened up my outlook on an otherwise distirbing day . for Nürnberg, who needs a travel guide book, this is great, keep em coming, a place I have always wanted to visit and someday will . . . . .

E ~
The next set of pictures is from the town of Lichtenau which is where I actually live. It is part of the Burgenstraße (Castle Road) which is a road that goes through parts of Europe with famouse castles along it. The town was founded in 1299 (I will have to check this out though because I am not 100% sure) and it is a very beautiful town with a nice little castle and a good Brauhaus.


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Chris the pic of the two Roman ? soldiers what is that about ............a memorial. and the last shot of an ornate cannon opening on the upper wall ?

Regarding your last pic, I think you have a view of the other side further up in your post...What is that bldg? An old armoury?

No it was a guard tower on the old city walls hundreds of years ago. Most European cities were built inside walls to protect them from invaders which was really important for Nurnberg because it was cultural city and involved in trade throughout the "old world" and therefore allways had a large flow of money going through it.
Fantastiche Chris ! those winter pics really brightened up my outlook on an otherwise distirbing day . for Nürnberg, who needs a travel guide book, this is great, keep em coming, a place I have always wanted to visit and someday will . . . . .

E ~

Me and my wife are going to Nurnberg Saturday night with friends to visit a famous Beer Hall there and drink some good Bier! I will deffinatly take some pictures but it will allready be dark when I get there so I dont know how the pics will come out.

Lebkuchen also comes from Nurnberg and that is where me and wife plan on getting the tin of them for you.
Chris the pic of the two Roman ? soldiers what is that about ............a memorial. and the last shot of an ornate cannon opening on the upper wall ?


The one of the Roman soldiers is a memorial to all the soldiers from Lichtenau who have died in wars. It has one side deddicated to the 100 years war, it has one side dedicated to WW1 and one side dedicated to WW2. It lists all the names of the men who died and the dates that they died on.

The cannon opening is part of the castle. The castle was built before cannons existed but it was added on as they became available litterally over a hundred years after the castle was built.

You can go to the castle on weekends and they a wonderful small market where you can buy fresh produce and fish and meats and sausages. It is really nice. I enjoy living in Lichtenau. It is quiet but has a very old tradition and beauty to it.

I cant wait till the Christmas Markets open up so I can get pictures of those to post.
So why are you moving again Adler? Sounds like an ideal place for you. No aircraft maintenance work close by?
These next 3 pictures are of the 3rd Reich Rally grounds in Nurnberg.

The first 2 are of the Congress Hall that Hitler had built. It was modeled after the Coloseum in Rome and this is the inside of the "coloseum". If you go inside the building it is a museum now a museum of the History of Nurnberg during WW2, the 3rd Reich, Hitler, and the Holocaust. It is done very nicely and has lots of artifacts and information.

The last pic is of the large stairs and podium where Hitler would hold his Nazi Rallys at the Zeppelinfeld (you have seen video footage of this, the thousands of German soldiers marching on the field [with torches at night] and Hitler standing at the podium giving his grand speaches). It is the same place where you have seen the video of the large swaztika in the wreath being blown up by the Americans after the war.


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Below are some more pics of the 3rd Reich Rally grounds in Nurnberg.

The first 4 are modern pics that someone else took. All the swaztikas have been removed but you can still over the doorways where they once were as in the 4th pic.

The rest are from WW2 and are there just for comparison.

I am going to talk to my wife and see if she wants to drive to Nurnberg earlier so that we can go back to the grounds and see the museum and then go to get some pics of the Luitpold which was another WW2 construction.


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So why are you moving again Adler? Sounds like an ideal place for you. No aircraft maintenance work close by?

Several reasons. One being there is no aircraft maintenance jobs here unless you work for the US Army which is what I am trying to do right now but it is just taking forever!

Another reason being that me and my wife believe in accomplishing our dreams and goals. The house that we wish to build and the amount of land that we wish to have are unatainable here in Germany. We wish to accomplish our dreams and we love Alaska as well. It is a beautiful place.

Still though I will allways consider Germany my home and will return atleast once a year to visit family and see this beautiful country again. Maybe at somepoint in my life we may return to Germany again and live here after our children (which we dont have yet) have all grown up and then we can give them our house that we are going to build in Alaska over the next 2 years and just pack up and return to the Fatherland :lol:
And that my friend I can perfectly understand. Best of luck.

The third pic down in your previous set had to large items in front of the building. Are they construction equipment or some sort of display? Also, NEVER realized how bloody big that building was. Amazing.

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