Pima Air Space Museum

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Please excuse the cross-post -- I am a newbie and posted this in the wrong section.

The Pima Air Space Museum is a jewel for Military Aircraft devotees:

Two hangars are dedicated to WWII aircraft and include a B-17, B-24, B-25, B-29 (2), C-47, etc. along with a growing exhibit of fighter aircraft. The latest addition is a fully restored German V1 "Doodlebug" complete with its transporter -- FIESELER Fi103-A1 (V-1) HOELLENHUND SERIAL NUMBER 121536


Following is a truly marvelous gallery of photographs that I am sure every enthusiast will enjoy:

James ... I'm up in Prescott Arizona...I,m about two and a half hours from there... I've never been to the Pima Museum :oops:

I know ,,, I know ... Need to get down there..

To save my but here on the fourm..

Last week i had to go to the west coast .. And got to go to Chino Museum ,, Palm Spring Air Museum .. And the Patton Tank Museum..

Thanks for the pics...

Have Fun


Hazardous Toys inc
syscom3 said:
You went to all those museums in southern cal, and you didnt go to the March AFB museum?


Theres a museum at March AFB :shock: ... I did not know that :oops: ... I'll have to put that on my list... Thanks

Any other museums out west I should know about?? ... Let me know

Almost forgot ... Went by PacWest too ...
Living in the Nashville area sucks as far as major aviation museums. The Staggerwing and Sevierville museums are relativly close but they are very small and expensive for what they have. The closest large museum in my area is the museum at Warner Robbins in Georgia and thats still 6 hours away.

I'm more or less in the same boat as you, Curzon. I live fairly close to two or three small aviation museums, but the closest decent ones (in Canada that is) are in Ontario, no less than a good 13 to 14 hour drive from here.
of course with your lancaster loving sidekick :toothy5: well, wouldn't want you going off on your own thinking that perhaps some of the non-british planes were perhaps better than ours ;)
Nonskimmer said:
I'm more or less in the same boat as you, Curzon. I live fairly close to two or three small aviation museums, but the closest decent ones (in Canada that is) are in Ontario, no less than a good 13 to 14 hour drive from here.

EEEEEKKK!! 13-14 hours. Okay I will not complain so much about being so far away from a museum.

Still the best state in the southern US us Florida. Just off the top of my head I can think of 6 major museums or resoration facilities including one that lets one, for a fee of course fly in a Texan or a Mig 15.


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