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quite bothersome today on my left side. work accident last week. it figures a day off for me and i feel like crap............

thanks genys
December 26, 1944 :

action of KG 51 Me 262's with 411 squadron, 1 Me reported as damaged.

on the 27th of December another Me 262 was damaged this time by spits of the RCAF 422nd sq.

On the 28th P-38's of the 82nd US fg got into it with 1 Me 262 near Augsburg. the 262 made a couple of firign passes on 2 P-38's but without damage and the jet was driven off by another US fighter.

On the 29th Obfw. Büttner shot down a Mossie of 544th sq.

On the 30th another Mossie fell to a Me 262 flown by Fw. H. Baudach of III./JG 7, this was NT231 of the 464th sq.

On the 31st Helmut Baudach again shot down a Allied craft this a P-51 D of the 339th fg Lt. James Mankie, another 339th fg pilot followed Baudach firing and the US pilot was jumped by another 262 and was downed.
Erich, please keep this going as much as you can. I am totally fascinated by this subject and really appreciate your research. Many Thanks!
Same here I have some pretty good sources for Luftwaffe claims of allied aircraft but I know very little about the subject at hand. Thanks for all of your info Erich!
The fact it copyrighted makes no difference at the moment, Del is not trying to claim it as his own, and if the owner wishes for it to be removed then removed it shall be...

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