yes but cross checking with known German sources can be difficualt as well as US/RAF claims to actual German jet losses. I have a ton of stuff and like I said in another thread back in the 1960's is when I was hunting for info on the 262, the US pilots were open to sharing info but it was not till early 1980's that the German chaps started opening up......several had been living under the Soviet thumb on the eastern side of Deutschland
the reason for starting or evaluating the day by day events of props vs jets. yes this could be 50 pages in length minimum. I am translating some German source info at present between work on the first week of January right now............
another book just relased in the UK Classic Pubs 2nd TAF volume 2 which covers the multi national Allied force over Germany from August 44 till after Bodenplatte in january 45. Volume 3 will really be interesting and cover the Allied projections in the Sptis, Tempests taking on the 262/Ar 234, but that maybe next year in arriving.
ok more still to come.............also a little reminder, the pics that have been shown are copyrighted through the 339th fg association and although been available on the web-birds aviation web-site are still copyrighted material and may not be shown without prior consent of Jim as well as the 339th fg Assoc. Let's put it another way shall we. Jim has aksed the chaps of the 339th fg to share pics which he his plenty and they were entitled for his site only. I'll have some more on this as I know one of the pilots, a 262 killer and he is the assoc. newsletter rep, Steve Ananian