Piston Provost crash in Lincolnshire

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Senior Master Sergeant
Dec 5, 2008
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Sad day again. Looks like a Piston Provost has gone down in Lincolnshire with one feared dead.


Sad indeed. I trained on those. The only negative feature was a slow spin recovery. It could turn through 2 complete rotations after taking the remedial action. Otherwise they were entirely predictable in their behaviour.
Very sad. There's a slight possibility that I might at one time have known the owner, although it's some time since I last saw him and his Provost. It might have been sold on since then of course. So, unfortunately, that's three we know of this week, let's hope that's the total of the infamous 'always come in threes'.
It has emerged from reports that the pilot was John Fairey. Son of Sir Richard Fairey. All very sad.
It was at Waddo the previous Sunday.
Apparently the crash was as it was going back down South.
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