Polish military aviators killed at Mirosawiec airfield

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Siggy Master
Jun 19, 2005
Here is the list of all Polish aviators who were killed at the air accident near Mirosławiec airfirld.

In honour of them

1. Brig. Gen. Andrzej ANDRZEJEWSKI, 1st Tactical Air Brigade Commander;

2. Col. Dariusz MACIAG, 21st Air Base Commander;

3. Ltc. Zbigniew KSIAZEK, 22nd Air Base Deputy Commander;

4. Col. Jerzy PILAT, 12th Air Base Commander;

5. Ltc. Wojciech MANIEWSKI, 40th Tactical Air Squadron Commander;

6. Ltc. Zdzislaw CIESLIK, 1st Tactical Air Brigade Chief of Training;

7. Ltc. Dariusz PAWLAK, 12th Air Base, Ground Services Chief;

8. Maj. Piotr FIRLINGER, 21st Air Base, Technical Services Chief;

9. Maj. Jaroslaw HALADUS, 13th Air Transport Squadron, Technical Services Chief;

10. Maj. Grzegorz JULGA, 8th Tactical Air Squadron, Deputy Commander;

11. Maj. Robert MAJ, 1st Tactical Air Brigade, Section Chief, Instructor Pilot;

12. Maj. Krzysztof SMOLUCHA, PLAF HQ A3 Operations Divisions, Specialist;

13. Maj. Miroslaw WILCZYNSKI, 1st Tactical Air Brigade, Section Chief;

14. Capt. Grzegorz STEPANIUK, 40th Tactical Air Squadron, Technical Services Chief;

15. Capt. Karol SZMIGIEL, 8th Tactical Air Squadron, Technical Section Chief;

16. Capt. Pawel ZDUNEK, 8th Tactical Air Squadron, Flight Section Chief;

17. Capt. Leszek ZIEMSKI, 40th Tactical Air Squadron, Flight Safety Inspector - Section Chief;

18. Lt. Robert KUZMA, 13th Air Transport Squadron, Senior Instructor;

19. Lt. Michal SMYCZYNSKI, 13th Air Transport Squadron, Senior Pilot;

20. Sgt. Janusz ADAMCZYK, 13th Air Transport Squadron, Senior Aircraft Technician.
Not to be disrespectful and it is sad about this tragedy :cry: it appears the promotion list has sure opened up

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