Poors man Static Grass Applicator - Tutorial

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Senior Airman
Apr 21, 2008

I did a small tutorial explaining how to make your own static grass aplicator, the project costs less than US$10,00 and takes 2 hours to finish


It´s in portuguese, but you can translate (up to 30 languages) using the button "Translate" in the website.

To see follow these link Static Grass Aplicator

Hope this can be usefull.

best regards,
Great stuff Lucas, thanks. I've been wondering which company had the 'tallest' static grass, and now I know it's Woodland Scenics - more good info!
Hey Lucke, do you mind if I post an English version?

No problem, but please, give me the credits and link to my blog ok ;), I can help you to write it if you need support to translate some words from portuguese to english.:D

Thank you guys ! I´m very happy that this could be usefull.

Terry, the woodland scenics has a lot of types of static grass, take a look at this website:


best regards and thanks to all
Thanks Lucas. My local model shop has just started to stock WS products, which i could only get previously by mail order. I'll have a look at what they have next time I'm in there.
This REALY looks great.

With Lucke.stz permission here is a US version.

Visit his personal blog about modelling. www.spruemaster.com


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  • StaticGrass4.jpg
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Wow ! Thats Cool !!

Thank you hawkye2an, please insert my blog link and give m the credits on the jpg pictures too... so anyone that receive this pictures will know my web adress ;)

Guys, those pictures can be used as you can, but please, don´t forget to give my blog adress and credits ;)

Best regards,

Last edited:
Will do, sorry for not thinking of it in the first place, I was NOT intending to step on your toes. I just LOVED the idea and thought I'd help pass it on.
You should be able to go back to that post and edit it in Advanced Mode. Just click Edit, then select Advanced and you'll be able to add/delete images, etc :thumbleft:

Tried that, what Lucke wants modified is the attachments. If there is no way to do that, please delete and I will make the additions and re-post it.


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