Post a picture of your messy work bench

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cheers Glenn, my missus thought my bench was untidy today so i've just shown her your picture and i'm now off the hook !
Glad I could be of help Karl!

I did some cleaning and hopefully mine doesn't qualify as the most messy anymore...... at least for now....

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Here's my latest. had to clear it a bit after this pic to make room for the C-75 build, back to that one once more.

You can barely see it top right in the "on hold" bin.


  • mess.jpg
    90.3 KB · Views: 118
It's nice to see some of your dedicated work spaces. I think if I had somewhere dedicated I'd get more than one model every three months finished, I seem to spend half my modelling time getting stuff out and putting it away again at the moment. I'll have to start working on the Missus.
Nothing wrong with that... except the cuff off side the head when you get overspray on your wife's beautiful wooden back chairs.

Wives ruin everything. Well maybe except sex. And cleaning up the kids vomit. I'm sure I'll think of something else.
I've almost been in trouble before when she tried cleaning the bedroom window and when puzzled why the layer of misted grime wouldn't come off, I realised what it was and said I'd take care of it. It took about an hour to scrape the dried on grey primer spray off that darned window (which is right behind the cupboard top I use for modelling).

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