Post ur Pic for Our New Member Mug Shot Album....

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yeah worked fighter bases mostly comox ,chatham, goose ,cool pool and some td in unusual spots golan, alert ,norway and two years working trash haulers in winnipeg

Winnipeg! Burrrr! "Winterpeg" in my book! Spent time there at Bristol Aerospace.
yeah 130's they were used as nav trainers back then they switched over to dhc 8 i think
bristol overhauls on 101 or f 5s?
It's "Winterpeg" to just about everybody. ;)
Except Albertans that is. Now that's winter! Spent some time north of Huss's hometown, up around Fort McMurray one year. Brrrrrr!! :coldcold:
lesofprimus said:
Ill swap that pic out CC, but I still dont think thats a great pic of u... U cant even see ur face.... U sure u like that one better??? Or do u have another that might show ur face better????

Face-schmace, I prefer it...
pbfoot said:

Winnipeg! Burrrr! "Winterpeg" in my book! Spent time there at Bristol Aerospace.
yeah 130's they were used as nav trainers back then they switched over to dhc 8 i think
bristol overhauls on 101 or f 5s?

I think they did both, they made parts for the P-3 and CP-140
As I said yesterday I would have a new pic for you here it is...


  • me_during_aerobatics_446.jpg
    99.3 KB · Views: 260

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