Post ur Pic for Our New Member Mug Shot Album....

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Cool shot Chris..

Eric - Great price for a never used suit - I've seen them for over $100.00

Brand new ones at our airfield were $108.00. I know because for the longest time our old commander would only let us wear the Aviation BDU's (look like standard Army BDU's but are made of Nomex) but when we got the new commander he let us go back to wearing "Pickle Suits" again. I tried all mine on and I did not fit in them anymore so one day we flew a mission up to another airfield and had soem down time. I walked over to the on post exchange and bought one for 108 dollars and took it over to the alterations and them sew my patches on and then I quickly put it on and threw my ABDU's in the bag and walked back to the aircraft.

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