Posting Problems

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Here's some good screenshots that illustrate what's going here on my end...

I was going to start with the "New Thread missing text area" problem, but encountered the blank "Post Reply" (no text area) problem, so we'll start with that first:

After hitting Refresh a few times, the text area eventually appeared.

Now, regarding the New Thread issue - when I attempt to start a new thread, this is what I encounter:

After refreshing the page several times (average is 3 times can be as many as 6), I finally get the text area:

Now, keep in mind that this event happens to both my PC and my ipad at random times, no set pattern.

Sometimes both work fine, sometimes only one and not the other - sometimes neither work worth a sh!t.

To recap, my computer is a beast, running a fully updated Firefox v.47.0 with NO third-party addons except Flashgot. It is connected to my DSL router via a Cat5/RJ45 that is 1 meter in length.

My ipad is fully updated, using the iOS Safari that cannot use any third-party addons and automatically dumps it's cache after each session. It is connected to my router via 128-bit WEP encryption and transfers data at max. speeds both up and down.

So here we have two completely different devices, completely different operating systems, connected by completely different connection methods and yet, producing the same random results.

As I've mentioned before, I feel that it's not a matter of a user's equipment, but a failure between the client's ISP router and the Cloudflare site retrieval. The Cloudflare connection has proven to be problematic in the past and quite random as to who was effected, like some folks in various regions of Canada, some various regions of the U.S. and some in various regions of Europe - usually at different intervals.
I think you may be right. However I'm on line all day long today without any trouble and any of these glitches has happened to me recently. I found that my comp used two connections for the Internet automatically. One via the cable and the second wirless one.My router can work with both types. The Vista found them both and it seems that let them work in the same time. I"ve disabled the WiFi while using the cable and all started working fine since that.

As far as the Firefox is concerned.. the browser can be updated fully but what about plugins? Unless the "fully" means plugins are updated too.
Been OK for the most part with Chrome for me. Internet has been a bit funny causing some pages not to load properly but no real issues.

Wojtek, I'm suggesting that the problems we are reporting are not necessarily limited to a few people. As Hugh points out, he's getting what sounds like the same things but is just not reporting it. Perhaps it's more widespread than we think.

Thanks for the tip on the Chrome plugins. I did what you seggested but there is no "ON" button. Adobe Flash Payer has been enabled and I clicked on the box "Always allow to run" which was unchecked before. I'll see if that helps.
My Firefox has no additional third party plugins, except for Flashgot, which is a media capture feature that catches specific files, such as images, audio and video.
Otherwise, it has the standard Mozilla suite, all fully current:
Open H264 Codec
Shockwave Flash
Adobe Acrobat
Java Deployment Toolkit
Java Platform
Shockwave Director

As I've mentioned, the only "extension" (non-Firefox suite) application is Flashgot.

And in order for my computer to use a Wireless connection, it would require a wireless card for TX/RX...which doesn't exist on this computer system.

I just checked my TCP/IP connection to the forum and it returns, which is a direct connection to Cloudflare. It also appears that this particular Cloudflare server is in San Francisco.

However, Cloudflare's CDN (Content Delivery Network) has network locations all over the world.

So the speed of the forum's access to you in Poland can and will be entirely different than my forum access or Geo's in Canada or Wayne's down in Oz or Shinpachi's in Japan, etc.

Here's a sitemap of all of Cloudflare's network sites:
Our Anycast Network Map - CloudFlare
And right in the middle of my last post, I saw another IP pop up in my TCP/IP program:

Which is yet a different Cloudflare connection that happened to connect during the "message autosave" while I was typing my reply.

The IP connection is also in San Francisco...but shows that more than one IP connection is part of the Cloudflare/Forum system and may be a reason why there's intermittent forum feature failures.
I just noticed something that is a pain-in-the-arse.

There used to be a header function for posts but it is gone now. No problem except.... all the dates are now missing from "This Day In Europe....." and similar threads that used that function to post the dates. It appears I have some work to do now!
Do you mean the date written with black Bold font seen in the pic below ? If you do I have check on the thread and all your posts there have these. In the case it seems that you may be the one who can't see that only.

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No, that thread I do not use the header. That thread is new. I haven't checked all the threads but the "This Day in Europe...." has the dates missing.
I see. No dates indeed. However it might be problem with not updated templates. Please leave it as it is because I think the headers are stll there but aren't displayed.
That may be more in your PC than the server. I had something similar and found out it was in my machine. I could be wrong but it is very similar.
I've been getting that missing post reply text area today, too.

However, it's very random, as in this case, I had no trouble posting this reply, but just a few minutes ago, I could not reply to the B5N thread no matter what I tried on this machine.

I ended up using the ipad to get my reply posted.

Totally random and really makes no sense...

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