Practising Paintshop/GIMP...

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Working on a new siggy with this nice GIMP proggy. Much more fun than paintshop. It's a picture I took last year with our new camera of a flying Hurricane, mixed with the famous St. Pauls picture. Not sure how to do the text in this one yet.


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Okay, two attempts:
Edit: Changed paper


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Not bad....looking nice. But your nick could have been done with golden or silever font like in these very old pictures or postcards. The pic with the Hurricane in looks like the old postcard of sepia tonality.
cool! i would like dad's 51...with maybe the pic of him in the cockpit and the 364th sq logo...and of course Bobbysocks. i have all the pics and could send them to you in a few days when i get back in town if you wish. thank you very much, marcel.
Hi Bobby,

Best thing to do is start a thread, here in the Signature section, with your idea's and pictures. There are a few of us who like to make such siggies, so we can all take a shot at it and you can just pick what you like.
I'll be away for the weekend, so no hurry.

Yeah that looks nice. I agree with Wojtek though as well on the font. Perhaps a more Gothic looking font would fit more in with the theme of the sig.

Don't know, tried several fonts, but I really like the typewriter font which I weathered in my siggy. It looks like it came from a WWII era letter or report ore something. I'll stick to this one for the time being.
Thanks guys, I agree, the white is a little too white. Hopefully better now? Still trying to get the effect wrinkle of the paper in GIMP. Post later, maybe..
Hey Marcel,

Perhaps if you used an image of wrinkled paper beneath your white (yellowed) margin, and played with layer's opacity (and the color scale) until you get the desired effect?

I have a few paper tiles that are usually used for tiled backgrounds, I'll post 'em here for you. Hopefully these'll be of some help to you!


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A bit of tweaking to get it right, but I now have a subtle wrinkle in the paper. To see the differences, see post 164 I really love this Gimp, it really is much better than Paintshop. I'll probably start a new Thread called "'practising GIMP' :lol:

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