Product of WW2

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Oct 24, 2006
My father was a WW2 B-24J and B-29 pilot. He was in the 489th BG. I was born 9 months after the end of WW2. I am a retired engineer and military aviator. I flew the F-101F from 1972 to 1981 with the 111th FIS of the Texas Air National Guard. My current interest in aviation is flying R/C WW2 warbirds.
Love the 101 the ABs at night are a thing of beauty
i am the product of a WW2 liason myself. mixed one Aussie Air Lancaster Gunner RAAF with Scottish Lass from the WRAF viola another 5 Aussies born with love of freedom and appreciation to our military. one of which has a computer a weird sense of humour and love of Lancasters

ooops forgot. welcome to the site
My father's crew was selected to fly a brand new B-24J to England in August 1944. Here's a picture of them in front of the plane before leaving. I'll post more pictures and the crew members name later. My father, Lt Ed Brant, is in the front row on your right and was the pilot/ac.


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