My understanding of the story is a bit more convoluted. According to Don Berlin himself, before they came up with the P-40, they had passed through another unsuccessful stage, the turbocharged YP-37. A rather more radical departure from the original P-36 design, of which 11 were manufactured. It managed to go 340 mph at 20,000 feet, which is decent performance for the time, but only when the turbo-supercharger was working. Which was intermittent at best.
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This too has the same wings. But is it a P-36?
The added length was due to an experimental turbo-supercharger. Don Berlin... we all know who he is right? Said of the plane that "The YP-37 was a nice looking ship, but they were not reliable. The [turbo] supercharger was simply not working, and we didn't have time to develop that too."
The extra length was not due to the turbo, which was located beneath the engine, and which can be seen in the image you have posted. The wastegate exhaust is pointing down just ahead of the wing leading edge, about level with the front of the wing fillet where it meets the fuselage..
Instead, the extra length was due to the coolers (engine coolant radiator and intercooler), oil tank and fuel tank being mounted in the area behind the engine. The slots on top of the cowling, about level with the wing tips in the above picture, were for the discharge of air from the coolers.
The turbo was experimental in as much as they all were at that point. The XP-37 used the original style turbo, where the intake air for the compressor was taken through the area between the compressor and turbine, an attempt to keep the centre bearing cool. But this was woefully unreliable.
The YP-37 used the new style turbo where the compressor was reversed (the back of the compressor was on the turbine side), so that its intake came in directly. It was still unreliable. About that time the General Electric turbo was redesignated as B-1. Some YP-37s may have been fitted with the upgraded B-2. These were the first of the B-series turbos that would feature on the P-38, B-17 and B-24.