Questions about B-29 operational range, VVS, VVS intercept capability if Operation Unthinkable happen. (1 Viewer)

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Don't forget, if this fantasy conflict continued just after V-E day, or maybe later after V-J day, most of our assembly lines would continue producing materials, including the B-32.
or accelerate the introduction of the B-36 or B35 (Woo Hoo!!)? Then the USAAF would have the stand off capability to launch attacks from Iceland, Greenland and Alaska where they would be immune from Soviet retaliation.
I'm not sure about Iran - I think the Soviets would have huge logistical difficulties there with Allied air superiority, but Baku can be bombed from Iraq as well. And even from Egypt, if I'm not mistaken.

Iran is a fine natural ground-defense line for the Soviets. High mountains hem in the Persian-Soviet border for the most part.

Baku is reachable from Teheran for bombers but it is not an ideal basing point for several reasons. Basra or Habbaniya would likely be better for the task, or perhaps even Crete?
Iran is a fine natural ground-defense line for the Soviets. High mountains hem in the Persian-Soviet border for the most part.

Baku is reachable from Teheran for bombers but it is not an ideal basing point for several reasons. Basra or Habbaniya would likely be better for the task, or perhaps even Crete?
French and British were planning to bomb from Damascus and Mosul in 1940

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