Not a few Japanese who led, and lead, Japan, including Emperor himself, originated in Korea and China in the history. The continent was their homeland to be back to.
Thanks Shinpachi this is the sort of fundamental information that unfortunately doesn't get into modern military history books.
The USA support for 1940's China is ironic as it led to Communist China with the change of support to Mao post-WW2 by many high level US politicians leading public and media opinion as the preferred option over Chiang Kai-Shek. The 1945-53 Truman administration was even more infiltrated with communists than Roosevelts 1933-45 one was and Eisenhowers 1953-61 administration was not much better, hence the McCarthy "inquistion" and McCarthy slogan that the US administration had "twenty years of treason" with communism is hard to refute with todays knowledge.