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that's one of the most annoying things i've ever seen on the internet........


  • x1pc_jqddvowrl5fcz0uexswif9r8gzud1jbv6hd7fuiuh2slqu3xmqhlncwwmeojhucgvhohqpiapmdc3jimp5xw_1jdh_tfg_t
    9.6 KB · Views: 172
heard of dota? a warcraft expansion i hear a good game is always more than an hour

its so addicting that i never played it cause i get addicted to games like a korean freak
if ur referring to a guy from the Philippines its spelled as Filipino

and i don't act or look like an average Filipino, and don't get addicted like the average one either, but i wont smash my keyboard

and when i meant korean freak, they are the best and many of them play games like that at online gaming, damn playing against them is like trying to kill a Panzer tank with a Garand
It's a cartoon image , you are one disturbed little child. That German child was in need of some serious help , people like that should not be allowed in public .

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