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Medvedya said:
Beary good! :lol:

Do Czechs also use their dad's name as their middle one?

no, but sometimes it's popular to name the child after his father. So often there are "dynasties" where is the grandpa, dad and son called the same name. Then they usually have a 2nd title like oldest, older, younger, and youngest (equal to Sr. and Jr.). For example there's a very famous Czech actor family, the Hrušínský family. And ther are:

Rudolf Hrušínský Nejstarší (Oldest)
-II- Starší (Older)
-II- Mladší (Younger)
-II- Nejmladší (Youngest)

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Maestro said:

I don't think that making jokes about killing all Jews after what happened in WWII is great. That's the greateast difference between the first one (Mulsims) and this one.

For the same reason, I think everyone who's making fun of starving people in Somalia is a cretin...

Same as calling someone nigga even yopu're white a snow...

Some things just aren't funny.
Oh but it is funny, Pisis. You need to lighten up because if we had to stop making jokes about things because it wasn't very nice then we'd be sat here making jokes about...well, we'd still be saying "Why did the chicken cross the road?"

Would it be wrong to make a joke about Russians because over 23 million of them died in the war? No.

Would it be wrong to make a joke about Americans because hundreds of thousands of Americans died in the war? No.

Would it be wrong to make a joke about the British because over a million died in the war? No.

There's war jokes about every nation in the war and there's all sorts of jokes about every race, religion and gender on this planet. Ever heard the joke about paratroopers (English, Irish and Scottish) stuck in a tree and there's German guards below them, so they make animal noises? The first an owl and the German guard moves on, the second a crow and the guard moves on, the third a cow and get shot to pieces?

We shouldn't say that because paratroopers died. Do you think if I told a paratrooper that joke, he'd think it offensive, would he care? No, he'd probably laugh.

By trying to tell people what is and isn't funny is a load of bull. If someone laughed at that jew joke, it's funny. It might offend some Jews but correct me if I'm wrong but isn't evan a Jew, he didn't say a thing about it.

Muslims die almost everyday and, apparently, the Western world has caused 25,000 Muslim deaths in Iraq. Do you want to shut up with the Mulim jokes? No. Thought not. And do I blame you? No I don't because jokes are f*cking jokes and that's it.

I'm a joking man personally, so no problem with that, but making jokes on Jews is slightly different then any other ones. (I was wondered as much as you when I heard this for the first time).

Because allways in the history they first laughed at them - they did nothing. Then they started to beat them - they did nothing. Then they threw em in gas chambers and killed six million of them. I'm maybe a bit more sensitive on this since 20+ members of my family got "game over" in gas chamber in Auschwitz, and the rest was persecuted by the Communists.

But please don't take this as a hysetria... I fully agree with 90% of your opinions, as I see they are very rational, but I hold the opinion that at some level you cannot make jokes.

For example in the mid 90's here were very popular jokes about Somalians (How does a Somalian family photo look like? Like a barcode.) I allways argued with the kids who were telling these jokes. I also beaten up some of them.

Or maybe I'm wrong, I'm just too much sensitive. But the difference you gave (Muslim, Russinas, etc..) was that they fought with weapons in their hands. Not Jews (Somalians, etc., respectively). IMO some areas of human suffery is untouchable. But no problem, just wanted to say my opinion.

Everything and anything you can think of someone will find funny. It's the way of the world and mankind, you can't force people to stop telling jokes.

The funniest things are other people's misfortune - from it being them falling over in public to being killed while putting on their trousers!

And I would like to point out the vast majority of that 25,000 were supposed to be civilian deaths. I think it's bull though, it obviously incorporates natural deaths.

What is it with people thinking that people don't die naturally during a war!?!?!
Speaking as a Jew, some jokes I find funny, others I may or may not. But I certainly don't take offense. I realize that in most cases, it is not anti-semitism or anti-whatever. I have to say that most of the really good Jewish jokes I have heard were out of the mouths of Jews. The thing to keep in mind is that I don't think anyone here would tell a joke with the intent of offending someone.

Pisis, are you Jewish? I can only assume with some of the things you have posted that you may be, but I don't want to assume anything.
Pisis, I totally understand where you're coming from. Sometimes the jokes can be a little crude, and maybe sometimes they even border on being tasteless. If you find a particular joke or subject to be offensive, that's entirely your business, and no one will really hold it against you. Why the hell should they? Everybody has their own feelings and opinions.
Just try to keep in mind that a lot of us here are just that: Crude and tasteless.
No but seriously, we don't really mean to offend. We just tend to have a dark sense of humour sometimes. We fully appreciate the seriousness of things like the mass slaughter of innocents, believe me. Our goal is not to make light of the Holocaust or anything. I'm sorry if the jokes piss you off. I suppose I can understand if they do, but we're not bad guys here. Just a little crude at times.

Good post btw evan.
Thanks. I think that those of us who have been in the military, including the ones in now develop a different sense of humor. I know that my sense of humor changed in the four years I was in the AF. You sometimes end up in situations where the stress level is very high and someone cracks a joke to break the tension. It often borders on the macabre or just plain crude and otherwise socially unacceptable. But it is one of the ways to deal with unpleasant situations.

Geez, I can remember working some crash recoveries that were downright gruesome, with body part lying around that we had to pick up. I was just a radio guy, but everyone pitched in to help, including the radio guy. Through it all, we kept our spirits up by making light of it. In a task that is that grim and gruesome, you have to find a way of dealing with it, or it will haunt you forever. Either way, it changes you and the way you look at things.
I wasn't in the military but I've just got that sense of humour, a sick and twisted one. Laughter is the best medicine, so they say - so whatever can make you laugh is good. I think we all understand that. So, it's all good. On a level of understanding.

no no i fully understand that it's just a joke, this MB is very interesting. In fact, i like the hereby humour very much. Anyway me wouldn't be being fooled from anyone. Just the point of that was to remind all horrible events in the history (WWII was probably the worst for everyone) to don't let it happen again. doesn't matter if vietnam, sierra leone or any other shit.

but holocaust was that exclusive, because it was a fuck up on millions of people, don't matter if they were jews, gipsies, gays, the witnesses or whatever. 1st they stole their citizen right, then things and they they killed them like chickens. Fuck up isnt fair. the same fuck up was in Srebrenica and also on a lot of ther places in the history.

i've not been to the army as well, so maybe that is why my point is that,
and yes evan, I'm jewish, althought not halachic (my mother ins't) so i "don't count" for the prayer

"Either way, it changes you and the way you look at things."
sure. the way you look at things forms your character.

> Two Arab mothers are sitting in the cafe chatting over a pint of goat's
> milk.
> The older of the mothers pulls her bag out and starts flipping through
> pictures and they start reminiscing.
> "This is my oldest son Mohammed. He's 24 years old now"
> "Yes, I remember him as a baby" says the other mother cheerfully.
> "He's a martyr now though" mum confides.
> "Oh so sad dear" says the other.
> "And this is my second son Kalid. He's 21"
> "Oh, I remember him," says the other happily, "he had such curly hair when
> he was born".
> "He's a martyr too " says mum quietly.
> "Oh gracious me ...." says the other.
> "And this is my third son. My baby. My beautiful Ahmed. He's 18", she
> whispers.
> "Yes" says the friend enthusiastically, "I remember when he first started
> school".
> "He's a martyr also," says mum, with tears in her eyes.
> After a pause and a deep sigh, the second Arab mother looks wistfully at
> the photographs and says...
> "They blow up so fast, don't they?"

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