Quotes and Jokes (4 Viewers)

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Summer of 1960 during a week's orientation with ADC (Air Defense Command) the particular pilot giving us the info one day commented he had flown F-86Ds in Alaska. He said their method of attack, assuming a formation of Tu-4s, was to fire one tray of 12, make a second lockon, fire the second tray, make a third lockon and either ride it in or bail out. When one of us asked, "What would you have done?", he said it didn't matter as the pilot would not have a chance of pickup or Artic survival.
Another day, with an F-89 pilot (he called it the B-89), he said they would fire all missiles if they made an actual intercept because there was no way for the slow aircraft to make a second intercept.
After the week with ADC we spent a week with SAC. The most enlightening of the whole tour was SAC claimed 90% of the bombers got through while ADC claimed they stopped 85% of the bombers.
In the article the author described an exercise where the Dogs went after SAC bombers using the standard collision course 90 degree deflection tactics. Afterwards the SAC guys laughed that they never even saw an F-86D. Actual data analysis with gun camera film showed the Dogs got just about every one of them. The whole idea was not getting into a bomber's six and Ratatatat.. but hitting them from the side, launching 2.75 in rockets by radar indication, and breaking away before the bombers even saw them.

But the author said there was another exercise where a B-29 pilot found out the GCI frequency being used by the interceptors and recited, "Mary had a little lamb" on it, over and over again. Result was total chaos for the interceptors.
Why would I be interested in a bunch of football players who kneel for our flag and National Anthem? And the NFL which pulled a previous Superbowl from AZ because they did not vote as the NFL wished? ...and the horse they rode in on!
No judgement, but the curious thing is:
Here in the Netherlands, the Dutch fans would not be bothered wether the players would kneel, stand on their head or whatever during the national anthem. They're usually fully occupied butchering the poor song themselves
Why would I be interested in a bunch of football players who kneel for our flag and National Anthem? And the NFL which pulled a previous Superbowl from AZ because they did not vote as the NFL wished? ...and the horse they rode in on!

Thanks for making a political post where it was 100% not needed, or wanted. But since you decided to go there, I'll give you my two cents whether you like or not.

As a United States Army Veteran I swore an oath to defend the constitution of the United States of America. That very constitution guarantees the right to peacefully protest what you believe in, even if i don't agree with it. So, yeah, I don't let it get my nickers in a bunch, or ruin a sport I love. I'm proud to live in a country where protesting is allowed.

Besides, demanding and telling them they can't or should not, is about the most Un-American thing ever. Hell, its kind of North Koreany.

So excuse me if I really don't care if you like the sport or not. Excuse me if I don't care that an obvious joke of a meme triggered you.

As for me, I'm going to make those chicken wings, drink some beer, and enjoy the Super Bowl with a bunch of other veterans that don't care either.

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