Quotes and Jokes (3 Viewers)

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There are a number of those hangars at Ardmore airport in NZ - the accommodation area is two story and quite roomy.
We have a really nice community here were all the houses have hangars next to them, and all the streets are taxiways to the communities private runway. I seriously want to buy a house there is one becomes available.
My wife isn't a big meat-eater. When we are out and she asks about a vegetarian option, she's often offered a chicken entree.
She goes through several pounds of bacon a week though.
In the state of Texas, a "Texas Vegan" is one who only eats chicken or turkey. From a menu in a Texas restaurant:

Texas Vegetarian

Half or Whole Chicken
Moist and tender, smoked for 8 hours
Juicy and delicious - Trust Us

Eating meat is nothing more than eating slightly more refined solar energy. To wit:

1. The Sun creates nuclear energy, some photons of which fall on earth in the visible and infa-red frequencies.
2. Plants, with the help of chlorophyll, use this photon energy and CO2 to produce complex carbohydrates and some proteins.
3. Herbivores eat said plants and convert the chemical energy of the plants into different carbohydrates and lots of proteins, some of which is BACON.
4. We humans need a protein-heavy diet due to the extreme energy demands of our brains. The amount varies according to the particular human, with some pea-brains needing very little, apparently. The human brain averages about 2% of our body mass but requires 20% of our total energy requirements. This makes the brain an "expensive" organ but it has allowed us to create aircraft, computers, satellites, time-wasting forums, as well as aquire the skills to mass produce BACON, the latter of which I consider a crowning achievement of civilization.

Vegans want us to start eating after step 2. I want my solar energy more refined and choose to eat after step 3. If a Vegan confronts you about eating meat, tell him you are eating "solar power" in a more refined form. (Then tell them to "P*ss off!")

"So-called civilized men are far more discourteous than so-called savages because they know they can afford to be impolite without having their skulls split." - Robert Howard

Good day.
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You had me at #3

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