Quotes and Jokes

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Hey SaparotRob ,

Go to the post with the picture you want to shrink/expand.

Click on the post Edit button.

Left Click on the picture - you should get a result that looks like this:

Click on the ~cross-hair with the outward pointing arrows.

The outline with the little squares in the corners should appear.

Put your mouse cursor on one of the little squares and press the left mouse button - keep the mouse button in the down position - and drag the little square outward to enlarge or inward to shrink the image.

Click on the Update button.

Then click on the Save button.

This method works on my Mac
I'll check it later. I've wasted too much time today and it's beautiful outside!

Do you mean reduce actual file size or just the visual object size?

If the latter, on Windows you can simplify this - and I suspect that it works on the Mac as well. Click anywhere on the picture and handles will show on each corner. Drag the corner diagonally with your mouse until you reach the desired size.

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T ThomasP , you magnificent bastard, I read your post!

With apologies to General Patton.

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