Quotes and Jokes (2 Viewers)

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THE COURT: Counsel, could I interrupt you so we can get those exhibits to the jury and have them looking at them while you're examining him, with the caution that they are to pay attention to the testimony, too?
COUNSEL: No, they don't even have to pay attention to the testimony.
COUNSEL: It's mostly for my benefit.
THE COURT: Well, that's good. I wasn't listening either.
from disorder in the court:

WITNESS: I can picture going back this way. (Indicating)
COUNSEL: Let the record reflect what direction--what the witness pointed to.
THE COURT: To her right.
COUNSEL: Which would be west.
THE COURT: Well,...
COUNSEL: Wouldn't it?
THE COURT: You mean really west?
COUNSEL: From here, that's the way she pointed. I think she's pointing east, if she's facing the west.
THE COURT: She is pointing west, pointing toward the railroad yards.
COUNSEL: In relation to this map, she pointed east.
THE COURT: I said "really" where she is pointing. That is west. On the diagram....she is pointing east on the diagram.
COUNSEL: Is this the invitation that you saw before you went to the wedding?
WITNESS: Yes, it is.
COUNSEL: What is it that appears to you to be on the cover of this invitation?
WITNESS: I thought it's just a simple design.
COUNSEL: On the cover of this invitation there appears to be some sort of a whip?
WITNESS: Yes, now that you mention it, yes. But what we have at home are different than this.

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